
Résultats pour : "Rhynchophorus"

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Nombre de documents : 22.

Patterns of volatile diversity yield insights into the genetics and biochemistry of the date palm fruit volatilome. Flowers Jonathan M., Hazzouri Khaled M., Lemansour Alain, Capote Tiago, Gros-Balthazard Muriel, Ferrand Sylvie, Lebrun Marc, Amiri Khaled M. A., Purugganan Michael D.. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 14 p.

Changes of lipids in insect (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) during cooking and storage. Tiencheu Bernard, Womeni Hilaire Macaire, Linder Michel, Tchouanguep Mbiapo Félicité, Villeneuve Pierre, Fanni Jacques, Parmentier Michel. 2013. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 115 (2) : 186-195.

Final report of project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research on and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : CCRI report (October 1997 - September 2001). Kakul Titus, Laup Samson, Ollivier Laurence, Gende P.. 2001. In : INCO project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology for management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research on and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractant : Final report (1997-2001). Morin Jean-Paul (ed.). CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER, CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, INRA, CENIPALMA, IOPRI, CCRI. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 14 p.

Cultural techniques. Mariau Dominique, Mallet Bernard. 1999. In : Integrated pest management of tropical perennial crops. Mariau Dominique (ed.). CIRAD-CP. Montpellier : CIRAD, 112-122. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-325-9

INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Progress report, 6 monthly activity report, covering the period from November 1998 to April 1999. Laup Samson, Ollivier Laurence, Kakul Titus. 1999. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 2 - Half-yearly progress report n°2.. Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 1 p.

INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants. Year 2 - Annual report : CCRI report. Laup Samson, Ollivier Laurence, Kakul Titus. 1999. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 2 - Annual report n°2, November 1999. Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 10-48 p.

Le complexe Scapanes-Rhynchophorus, principal problème entomologique du cocotier en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence, Morin Jean-Paul, Prior Robert N.B., Kakul Titus, Ollivier Jean, Rochat Didier, Mariau Dominique. 1999. Plantations, Recherche, Développement, 6 (1) : 46-55.

Les phéromones d'insectes ravageurs des palmiers : recherches en cours et perspectives. Morin Jean-Paul, Zagatti Pierre, Rochat Didier, Descoins D., Mariau Dominique. 1997. Plantations, Recherche, Développement, 4 (2) : 91-103.

Mission défense des cultures CCRI-PNG, 27/9 au 5/10/96. Mariau Dominique. 1996. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 18 p.

Techniques culturales. Mariau Dominique, Mallet Bernard. 1996. In : Lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs des cultures pérennes tropicales = Integrated pest management in tropical tree crops. Mariau Dominique (ed.). CIRAD-CP. Montpellier : CIRAD, 133-144. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-253-8

The pheromonal substances of some oil palm insect pest species : initial results. Zagatti Pierre, Desmier De Chenon Roch, Genty P., Rochat Didier, Mariau Dominique. 1995. In : Proceedings of the 1993 PORIM international palm oil congress "Update and vision". Agriculture = [Actes du congrès international 1993 du PORIM sur l'huile de palme. "Présent et perspectives". Agriculture]. Sukaimi J. (ed.), Darus A. (ed.), Rajanaidu N. (ed. Kuala Lumpur : PORIM, 689-697. PORIM International Palm Oil Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 20 Septembre 1993/25 Septembre 1993.

Rapport de mission, défense des cultures en Guyane, 16 et 17 juin 1994. Mariau Dominique. 1994. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 19 p.

Ecologie chimique des charançons des palmiers, Rhynchophorus spp. (Coleoptera). Rochat Didier, Descoins C., Malosse Christian, Nagnan P., Zagatti Pierre, Akamou F., Mariau Dominique. 1993. Oléagineux, 48 (5) : 225-236.

Manuelita S.A. Visite entomologique sur la plantation de Yaguarito (Colombie), 13 au 15 octobre 1992. Mariau Dominique. 1993. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 20 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 28

Le contrôle de Rhynchophorus palmarum par piégeage à l'aide de morceaux de palmier. Morin Jean-Paul, Lucchini F., De Araujo J.C.A., Ferreira Joana M.S., Fraga L.S.. 1986. Oléagineux, 41 (2) : 57-62.

Insect pests in West Africa. Mariau Dominique. 1976. In : Oil palm research. Corley R.H.V. (ed.), Hardon J.J. (ed.), Wood B.J. (ed.). IRHO. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 369-383. (Developments in Crop Science, 1) ISBN 0-444-4147-1

Les ravageurs et maladies du palmier et du cocotier. Le Rhynchophore. Mariau Dominique. 1970. Oléagineux, 25 (11) : 591-592.

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