Résultats pour : "Sorghum almum"
Nombre de documents : 5.
Article de revue
Genetic diversity, evolution, and diagnosis of sugarcane yellow leaf virus from 19 sugarcane-producing locations worldwide.
Rott Philippe, Grinstead Samuel, Dallot Sylvie, Foster Zachary S. L., Daugrois Jean-Heinrich, Fernandez Emmanuel, Kaye Claudia, Hendrickson Leticia, Hu Xiaojun, Adhikari Bishwo, Malapi Martha, Grunwald Niklaus J., Roumagnac Philippe, Mollov Dimitre S..
Plant Disease,
10711 : 3437-3447.
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Lack of transmission of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in Florida from Columbus grass and sugarcane to sugarcane with aphids or mites.
Boukari Wardatou, Wei Chunyan, Tang Lihua, Hincapie Martha, Naranjo Moramay, Nuessly Gregg, Beuzelin Julien M., Sood Sushma, Rott Philippe.
PloS One,
15 (3):e0230066, 19 p.
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Document technique et de recherche
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