Résultats pour : "amylopectine"
Nombre de documents : 7.
Article de revue
Physicochemical, functional, and macromolecular properties of waxy yam starches discovered from "Mapuey" (Dioscorea trifida) genotypes in the venezuelan amazon.
Perez Elevina, Gibert Olivier, Rolland-Sabaté Agnès, Jimenez Yarlezka, Sanchez Teresa, Giraldo Andrés, Pontoire Bruno, Guilois Sophie, Lahon Marie-Christine, Reynes Max, Dufour Dominique.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
59 (1) : 263-273.
Induction and identification of a small-granule, high-amylose mutant in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz).
Ceballos Hernan, Sanchez Teresa, Denyer Kay, Tofino Adriana P., Rosero Elvia A., Dufour Dominique, Smith Alison M., Morante Nelson, Pérez Juan Carlos, Fahy Brendan.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
56 (16) : 7215-7222.
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