
Résultats pour : "approche Une seule santé"

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Nombre de documents : 32.

One Health field approach applied to Leptospirosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis across humans, animals and the environment. Antoniolli A., Guis Hélène, Picardeau Mathieu, Goarant C., Flamand C.. 2025. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 12 (1):ofae757, 32 p.

AMR as a global and one health issue: The challenge to adapt a global strategy in two low- and middle-income Countries, Mozambique and Vietnam. Figuié Muriel, Batie Chloé, Macuamule Cristiano, Cuinhane Carlos, Goutard Flavie. 2024. EuroChoices, 23 (2), n.spéc. Antimicrobial Use in the Agri‐food Industry : 72-77.

Determinants of access to animal health care in France: Evidence from a spatial econometric framework. Berrada Mehdi, Raboisson Didier, Lhermie Guillaume. 2024. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 25 p.


Integrated surveillance systems for antibiotic resistance in a One Health context: A scoping review. Delpy Léo, Clifford Astbury Chloe, Aenishaenslin Cécile, Ruckert Arne, Penney Tarra L., Wiktorowicz Mary, Ciss Mamadou, Benko Ria, Bordier Marion. 2024. BMC Public Health, 24:1717, 21 p.

La mission du COVARS : comment anticiper les risques sanitaires dans une vision "Une seule Santé" de l'exposome [Editorial]. Autran Brigitte, Lefrançois Thierry, Lina Bruno, COVARS. 2024. MS - Médecine Sciences, 40 (6-7) : 485-486.

Moving towards One Health surveillance of antibiotic resistance in France: A semi-quantitative evaluation of the level of collaboration within the national surveillance system. Collineau Lucie, Rousset Léo, Colomb-Cotinat Mélanie, Bordier Marion, Bourely Clémence. 2024. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, 6 (1):dlae008, 10 p.

One Health governance: Theory, practice and ethics. Zhou Yinling, Frutos Roger, Bennis Issam, Wakimoto Mayumi D.. 2024. Science in One Health, 3:100089, 9 p.

Une Seule Santé comme axe de construction d'un Système Intersectoriel d'Innovation (S.I.I.) au Cameroun. Casadella Vanessa, Bayiha Gérard De La Paix, Tahi Sofiane. 2024. Science, Technologie, Développement, 4 (1), 15 p.

Whole-genome sequencing of human and porcine Escherichia coli isolates on a commercial pig farm in South Africa. Strasheim Wilhelmina, Lowe Michelle, Smith Anthony M., Etter Eric, Perovic Olga. 2024. Antibiotics, 13 (6), n.spéc. Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and Animal Products and Its Environmental Transmission Aspects, 22 p.

A one health approach for integrated vector management monitoring and evaluation. Fite Johanna, Baldet Thierry, Ludwig Antoinette, Manguin Sylvie, Saegerman Claude, Simard Frédéric, Quenel Philippe. 2024. One Health, 20:100954, 10 p.

An operational framework for wildlife health in the One Health approach. Goulet G., De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Chardonnet Philippe, De Klerk L.M., Kock Richard, Muset Sophie, Suu-Ire R., Caron Alexandre. 2024. One Health, 19, 9 p.

A participatory approach to move towards a One Health surveillance system for anthrax in Burkina Faso. Nana Sougrenoma Désiré, Duboz Raphaël, Diagbouga Potiandi Serge, Hendrikx Pascal, Bordier Marion. 2024. PloS One, 19 (6):e0304872, 18 p.

A regional One Health approach to the risk of invasion by Anopheles stephensi in Mauritius. Iyaloo Diana P., Zohdy Sarah, Carney Ryan M., Ramdonee Mosawa Vanina, Elahee Khouaildi Bin, Munglee Nabiihah, Latchooman Nilesh, Puryag Surendra, Bheecarry Ambicadutt, Bhoobun Hemant, Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo Harentsoaniaina, Bedja Saïd Ahmed, Spear Joseph, Baldet Thierry, Carter Tamar E.. 2024. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18 (9):e0011827, 26 p.

After 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, translating One Health into action is urgent. Lefrançois Thierry, Malvy Denis, Atlani-Duault Laetitia, Benamouzig Daniel, Druais Pierre-Louis, Yazdanpanah Yazdan, Delfraissy Jean-François, Lina Bruno. 2023. Lancet, 401 (10378) : 789-794.
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Structural drivers of vulnerability at the human-rodent interface in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique. Figuié Muriel, Mapaco Lourenço, Caron Alexandre, Hofisso Leonardo, Gomes-Jaintilal Lara, Cappelle Julien. 2023. CABI One Health, 2023, 12 p.

An annotated dataset for event-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. Arinik Nejat, Van Bortel Wim, Boudoua Bahdja, Busani Luca, Decoupes Rémy, Interdonato Roberto, Kafando Rodrique, Van Kleef Esther, Roche Mathieu, Syed Mehtab Alam, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2023. Data in Brief, 46:108870, 8 p.

An exploratory study on the perceptions of rabies and ill-health causations and health seeking behaviours of school children and local communities in southern Bhutan. Lungten Lungten, Tenzin Tenzin, Thys Séverine, Phimpraphai Waraphon, Rinchen Sangay, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2023. BMC Public Health, 23:270, 11 p.

The prevalence of rodent-borne zoonotic pathogens in the South Gobi desert region of Mongolia. Esson Carol, Samelius Gustaf, Strand Tanja M., Lundkvist Ake, Michaux Johan, Rasback Therese, Wahab Tara, Mijiddorj Tserennadmid Nadia, Berger Lee, Skerratt Lee F., Low Matthew. 2023. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology, 13 (1):2270258, 11 p.

Editorial: Disease ecology: Novel concepts and methods to track and forecast disease emergence, transmission, spread, and endemization. De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Lwande Olivia Wesula, Fountain-Jones Nicholas M., VanderWaal Kim, Obanda Vincent. 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 3 p.

Enhancing research integration to improve One Health actions: learning lessons from neglected tropical diseases experiences. Rotureau Brice, Waleckx Etienne, Jamonneau Vincent, Solano Philippe, Molia Sophie, Debré Patrice, Dellagi Koussai, Morand Serge. 2022. BMJ Global Health, 7 (6):e008881, 3 p.

Gestion raisonnée des traitements antiparasitaires vétérinaires dans le sud-est de la France dans une approche One Health EcoHealth. Bouasla Ilyes, Binot Aurélie, Jacquiet Philippe. 2022. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 75 (2) : 55-63.

Getting out of crises: Environmental, social-ecological and evolutionary research is needed to avoid future risks of pandemics. Destoumieux-Garzón Delphine, Matthies-Wiesler Franziska, Bierne Nicolas, Binot-Herder Aurélie, Boissier Jérôme, Devouge Anaïs, Garric Jeanne, Gruetzmacher Kim, Grunau Christoph, Guégan Jean-François, Hurtrez-Boussès Sylvie, Huss Anke, Morand Serge, Palmer Clare, Sarigiannis Denis, Vermeulen Roel, Barouki Robert. 2022. Environment International, 158 : p. 106915.

Guidance for evaluating integrated surveillance of antimicrobial use and resistance. Rüegg Simon R., Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Aenishaenslin Cécile, Alban Lis, Bordier Marion, Bennani Houda, Schauer Birgit, Arnold Jean-Christophe, Gabain Isobel, Sauter-Louis Carola, Berezowski John, Goutard Flavie, Häsler Barbara. 2022. CABI One Health, 2022, 13 p.

Les trypanosomoses humaines et animales africaines : une approche "one health" par excellence. Desquesnes Marc, Solano Philippe, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Jamonneau Vincent, Bart Jean-Mathieu, Bucheton Bruno, Thévenon Sophie, Berthier David. 2022. Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, 175, 15 p. colloque de l’Académie Vétérinaire de France, France, 24 Mars 2022/24 Mars 2022.

Rift Valley fever, Mauritania, 2020: Lessons from a one health approach. Barry Yahya, Elbara Ahmed, Bollahi Mohamed Abdallahi, Ould El Mamy Ahmed Bezeid, Fall Mokhtar, Beyit Abdellahi Diambar, Khayar Mariem Seyidna, Demba Ba Aliou, Haki Mohamed Lemine, Faye Ousmane, Plee Ludovic, Bonbon Etienne, Doumbia Baba, Arsevska Elena, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2022. One Health, 15:100413, 9 p.

Screening of circulation of Usutu and West Nile Viruses: A one health approach in humans, domestic animals and mosquitoes in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Tinto Bachirou, Kaboré Didier Patindé Alexandre, Samdapawindé Kagoné Thérèse, Constant Orianne, Barthelemy Jonathan, Kiba-Koumaré Alice, Van de Perre Philippe, Dabiré Roch Kounbobr, Baldet Thierry, Gutierrez Serafin, Gil Patricia, Kania Dramane, Simonin Yannick. 2022. Microorganisms, 10 (10):2016, 13 p.

Teaching and learning for change: Analysis of a post-graduate One Health program. Sidikou Djibo Idrissa, Irabor Thomas-Julian, Bonfoh Bassirou, Binot Aurélie, Faulx Daniel, Vandenberg Olivier, Leyens Stéphane, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas. 2022. Sustainability Science, 17 : 65-80.

Towards an integrated surveillance of zoonotic diseases in Burkina Faso: The case of anthrax. Nana Sougrenoma Désiré, Caffin Jean Hugues, Duboz Raphaël, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Binot Aurélie, Diagbouga Potiandi Serge, Hendrikx Pascal, Bordier Marion. 2022. BMC Public Health, 22:1535, 17 p.

La fabrique des pandémies : Préserver la biodiversité, un impératif pour la santé. Robin Marie-Monique, Morand Serge (collab.). 2021. Paris : La Découverte, 352 p. (Cahiers libres) ISBN 978-2-348-05487-7

Dynamique des principales maladies transmises par les moustiques et de leurs vecteurs en Indonésie. Garjito Triwibowo Ambar. 2020. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 366 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie santé : Université de Montpellier

Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 01:17:12 2025 CET.