
Résultats pour : "babouin"

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Nombre de documents : 3.

Article de revue

Land use influences the diet of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in South Africa. Kennedy Overton Elizabeth, Bernard Alice, Renaud Pierre-Cyril, Hall Grant, Guerbois Chloé, Fritz Hervé, Prugnolle Franck, Rougeron Virginie. 2024. Global Ecology and Conservation, 54:e03100, 13 p.

Evaluating the determinants of wildlife tolerance in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier conservation area in Zimbabwe. Usman Muhammad Faizan, Le Bel Sébastien, Grimaud Patrice, Nielsen Martin Reinhardt. 2023. Journal for Nature Conservation, 75:126466, 10 p.

Genetic structure in a dynamic baboon hybrid zone corroborates behavioural observations in a hybrid population. Charpentier Marie J.E., Fontaine M.C., Cherel E., Renoult Julien P., Jenkins T., Benoit Laure, Barthès Nicolas, Alberts S.C., Tung J.. 2012. Molecular Ecology, 21 (3) : 715-731.

Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 02:28:40 2025 CET.