Résultats pour : "bois de feuillus"
Nombre de documents : 5.
Properties improvement of seven hardwood species by combination of thermal and chemical modifications.
Damay Jérémie, Bender Tobias, Munk Christoph, Jousserand Michael, Creton Milena, Fredon Emmanuel, Rémond Romain, Méausoone Pierre-Jean, Pfriem Alexander, Gérardin Philippe.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products,
82 : 93-106.
Simplified strenght properties assessment for tropical hardwoods in view to CE marking.
Lanvin Jean-Denis, Reuling Didier, Rouger Frédéric, Van de Kuilen Jan-Willem, Ravenshorst Geert, Reinbold Gregory, Bourguignon Hervé, Gérard Jean, Guibal Daniel, Vernay Michel, Boilley Eric.
s.l. : s.n., 30 p.
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