
Résultats pour : "culture de moyenne altitude"

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Nombre de documents : 21.

Intégration agriculture-élevage dans un contexte d'accès limité aux intrants de synthèse en milieu tropical de moyenne altitude. Rasambatra Elias Romélio, Autfray Patrice, Vall Eric, Gonzalez-Garcia Eliel, Mortillaro Jean-Michel, De Neupomuscène Rakotozandriny Jean, Salgado Paulo. 2020. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 73 (2) : 49-59.

Comparison of conventional and direct seeding techniques on lowland ecosystem. Southern Xayabury (Lao PDR). Tivet Florent, Tran Quoc Hoa, Senephansiri Sompasith, Phonekhanpeng C., Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Chantharath Bounsay, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Julien Patrick, Séguy Lucien. 2004. In : Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, Luang Prabang, Laos, 27 Janvier 2004/30 Janvier 2004.

Contraints to adoption of food-crop technologies in upland areas. Lançon Frédéric. 2004. In : From slash-and-burn to replanting : Green revolutions in the Indonesian uplands?. Ruf François (ed.), Lançon Frédéric (ed.). Washington : World Bank, 49-57. (Regional and Sectoral Studies) ISBN 0-8213-5205-9

Ginger and annual crops in tree-based agriculture. Ruf François, Yoddang, Syarifuddin A.. 2004. In : From slash-and-burn to replanting : Green revolutions in the Indonesian uplands?. Ruf François (ed.), Lançon Frédéric (ed.). Washington : World Bank, 69-82. (Regional and Sectoral Studies) ISBN 0-8213-5205-9

Implementing direct seeding techniques for the rainfed upland rice : Southern Xayabury - Lao PDR. Tivet Florent, Tran Quoc Hoa, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Chantharath Bounsay, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Julien Patrick, Séguy Lucien. 2004. In : Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Vientiane : NAFRI, 1 p. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, Luang Prabang, Laos, 27 Janvier 2004/30 Janvier 2004.

Introduction of vegetable production. Lançon Frédéric, Hasanudin Ibrahim. 2004. In : From slash-and-burn to replanting : Green revolutions in the Indonesian uplands?. Ruf François (ed.), Lançon Frédéric (ed.). Washington : World Bank, 59-68. (Regional and Sectoral Studies) ISBN 0-8213-5205-9

Tree crops and paddy cropping systems : Cocoa in Malinau. Ruf François, Yoddang. 2004. In : From slash-and-burn to replanting : Green revolutions in the Indonesian uplands?. Ruf François (ed.), Lançon Frédéric (ed.). Washington : World Bank, 83-94. (Regional and Sectoral Studies) ISBN 0-8213-5205-9

Smallholder's strategies and alternatives for sustainable integration of ruminants in upland crop livestock systems in Northern Vietnam. Eguienta Yann Kiterany, Martin Cédric, Castella Jean-Christophe, Lecomte Philippe, Husson Olivier. 2002. In : Responding to the increasing global demand for animal products. Programme and summaries, Merida, Mexico, 12-15 November 2002. BSAS, ASAS, Mexican Society of Animal Production. Penicuik : BSAS, 121-122. ISBN 0906562-40-6 International Conference on Responding to the Increasing Global Demand for Animal Products, Merida, Mexique, 12 Novembre 2002/15 Novembre 2002.

The declining role of ethnicity in farm household differentiation : a case study from Ngoc Phai Commune, Cho Don District, Bac Kan Provience, Viet Nam. Castella Jean-Christophe, Tran Quoc Hoa, Husson Olivier, Vu Hai Nam, Dang Dinh Quang. 2002. In : Doi Moi in the mountains : Land use changes and farmers' livelihood strategies in Bac Kan Province, Viet Nam. Castella Jean-Christophe (ed.), Dang Dinh Quang (ed.). Hanoï : The Agricultural Publishing House, 47-71.

Indonesia upland agricultural technology study. Phase II. Report. Ruf François (ed.), Lançon Frédéric (ed.). 1997. Montpellier : CIRAD, 228 p.

Culture du fraisier en zone tropicale. GERDAT-IFAC - FRA. 1973. Fruits Guadeloupéens. Informations Bananières, 9 (48), 1 p

Cinco anos de investigaciones en el campo de la economia rural. Balance y perspectivas. De Haut De Sigy G.. 1969. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 2, Agronomie Générale. Etudes Techniques, 24 (9) : 805-813.

Cinq années de recherches en économie rurale à Madagascar. Bilan et perspectives. De Haut De Sigy G.. 1969. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 2, Agronomie Générale. Etudes Techniques, 24 (9) : 783-795.

Five years of rural economy research in Madagascar. Account and prospects. De Haut De Sigy G.. 1969. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 2, Agronomie Générale. Etudes Techniques, 24 (9) : 796-804.

Amélioration du riz de plateau à la station Séfa en Casamance. Jacquot Michel. 1966. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 1, Riz et Riziculture et Cultures Vivrières Tropicales, 21 (1) : 32-37.

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