
Résultats pour : "enquête sanitaire"

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Nombre de documents : 8.

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Challenges of rabies surveillance in Madagascar based on a mixed method survey amongst veterinary health officers. Dreyfus Anou, Volasoa Marie Hermelienne, Guis Hélène, Razafindraibe Nivohanitra Perle, Razafindramparany Mino Harimbola, Arivony Lalaina, Rakotondrabe Manohisoa, Andriamananjara Mamitiana Aimé, Dussart Philippe, Kassie Daouda, Lacoste Vincent, Andriamandimby Soa Fy. 2024. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11:1270547, 12 p.

Different kettles of fish: Varying patterns of antibiotic use on pig, chicken and fish farms in Lao PDR and implications for antimicrobial resistance strategies. Poupaud Mariline, Goutard Flavie, Phouthana Vannaphone, Munoz Viera Facundo Martin, Caro Domingo, Patriarchi Alessandro, Paul Mathilde. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (6) : 3940-3951.

A mixed methods analysis of participation in social contact surveys. Nixon Emily, Silvonen Taru, Barreaux Antoine, Kwiatkowska Rachel, Trickey Adam, Thomas Amy, Ali Becky, Treneman-Evans Georgia, Christensen Hannah, Brooks-Pollock Ellen, Denford Sarah. 2022. Epidemics, 41:100635, 11 p.

Knowledge and perception of rabies among school children in rabies endemic areas of South Bhutan. Lungten Lungten, Rinchen Sangay, Tenzin Tenzin, Phimpraphai Waraphon, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2021. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 6 (1):28, 15 p.

Reflection: Snatched Commensality: To eat or not to eat together in times of Covid-19 in France. Fourat Estelle, Fournier Tristan, Lepiller Olivier. 2021. Food and Foodways, 29 (2) : 204-212.

A decade of plague in Madagascar: A description of two hotspot districts. Rakotosamimanana Sitraka, Kassie Daouda, Taglioni François, Ramamonjisoa Josélyne, Rakotomanana Fanjasoa, Rajerison Minoarisoa. 2021. BMC Public Health, 21:1112, 9 p.

Seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) exposure in humans on Reunion Island. Jaubert Julien, Naze Florence, Camuset Guillaume, Larrieu Sophie, Pascalis Hervé, Guernier Vanina, Naty Nadège, Bertolotti Antoine, Manaquin Rodolphe, Mboussou Yoan, Atiana Laura, Picot Sandrine, Filleul Laurent, Tortosa Pablo, Cardinale Eric, Gérardin Patrick. 2019. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 6 (7), 4 p.


Principles for evaluation of one health surveillance: the EVA book. Peyre Marie-Isabelle (ed.), Roger François (ed.), Goutard Flavie (ed.). 2022. Cham : Springer, 326 p. ISBN 978-3-030-82726-7

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