Résultats pour : "galactose"
Nombre de documents : 5.
Growth kinetics of Kazachstania unispora and its interaction with lactic acid bacteria during Qymyz production.
Kondybayev Askar, Achir Nawel, Mestres Christian, Collombel Ingrid, Strub Caroline, Grabulos Joël, Akhmetsadykov Nurlan, Aubakirova Aidana, Kamidinkyzy Ulzhan, Ghanmi Wijden, Konuspayeva Gaukhar.
9 (2), 18 p.
 Prévisualisation |
The digestion of galactolipids and its ubiquitous function in Nature for the uptake of the essential α-linolenic acid.
Sahaka Moulay, Amara Sawsan, Wattanakul Jutarat, Gedi Mohamed A., Aldai Noelia, Parsiegla Goetz, Lecomte Jérôme, Christeller John T., Gray David, Gontero Brigitte, Villeneuve Pierre, Carrière Frédéric.
Food and Function,
11 (8) : 6710-6744.
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