Résultats pour : "identification des maladies"
Nombre de documents : 4.
Article de revue
Genetic signatures of contrasted outbreak histories of "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus", the bacterium that causes citrus huanglongbing, in three outermost regions of the European union.
Pruvost Olivier, Boyer Karine, Labbe Frédéric, Weishaar Marine, Vynisale Anaïs, Melot Claire, Hoareau Cécile, Cellier Gilles, Ravigné Virginie.
Evolutionary Applications,
17 (12) : 1-16.
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Identification of Puccinia kuehnii, the causal agent of orange rust of sugarcane, in Gabon.
Dijoux Jordan, Blondin Laurence, Assoung Salah Minko Harvey, Raïvire Eric, Daugrois Jean-Heinrich, Girard Jean-Claude, Hoarau Jean-Yves, Rott Philippe.
Sugar Tech,
26 : 1823-1826.
Enabling animal rabies diagnostic in low access areas: Sensitivity and specificity of a molecular diagnostic test from cerebral tissue dried on filter paper.
Rasolonjatovo Felana Suzah, Guis Hélène, Rajeev Malavika, Dacheux Laurent, Nomenjanahary Lalaina Arivony, Razafitrimo Girard, Rafisandrantantsoa Jean-Théophile, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Héraud Jean Michel, Andriamandimby Soa Fy.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
14 (3):e0008116, 16 p.
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