Résultats pour : "jus de pomme"
Nombre de documents : 2.
Article de revue
Communication sans actes
Optimising quality of a mature-green golden apple (Spondias cytherea) drink using amyloglucosidase treatment.
Franquin Séverine, Marcelin Odile, Brillouet Jean-Marc.
In : Information and technology for sustainable fruit and vegetable production, the 7th Fruit, nut and vegetable production engineering symposium, Frutic 05, 12 - 16 September 2005, Montpellier, France. CEMAGREF, ENSAM, INRA, CIRAD
. Antony : CEMAGREF, 7 p.
Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium. 7, Montpellier, France, 12 Septembre 2005/16 Septembre 2005.
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