Résultats pour : "métabolomique"
Nombre de documents : 7.
Article de revue
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Integration of GWAS, metabolomics, and sensorial analyses to reveal novel metabolic pathways involved in cocoa fruity aroma GWAS of fruity aroma in Theobroma cacao.
Colonges Kelly, Jimenez Juan Carlos, Saltos Alejandra, Seguine Edward, Loor Solorzano Rey Gaston, Fouet Olivier, Argout Xavier, Assemat Sophie, Davrieux Fabrice, Cros Emile, Lanaud Claire, Boulanger Renaud.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,
171 : 213-225.
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Metabolomics of pigmented rice coproducts applying conventional or deep eutectic extraction solvents reveal a potential antioxidant source for human nutrition.
Barros Santos Millena, Barouh Nathalie, Durand Erwann, Baréa Bruno, Robert Mélina, Micard Valérie, Lullien-Pellerin Valérie, Villeneuve Pierre, Cameron Luiz Claudio, Ryan Elizabeth P., Larraz Ferreira Mariana Simões, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire.
11 (2):110, 26 p.
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