Nombre de documents : 20.
TammReview: Influence of forest management activities on soil organic carbon stocks: A knowledge synthesis.
Mayer Mathias, Prescott Cindy, Abaker Wafa E.A., Augusto Laurent, Cécillon Lauric, Ferreira Gabriel W.D., James Jason, Jandl Robert, Katzensteiner Klaus, Laclau Jean-Paul, Laganière Jérôme, Nouvellon Yann, Paré David, Stanturf John A., Vanguelova Elena I., Vesterdal Lars.
Forest Ecology and Management,
466:118127, 25 p.
 Prévisualisation |
Genetic effects of forest management practices: Global synthesis and perspectives.
Ratnam Wickneswari, Rajora Om P., Finkeldey Reiner, Aravanopoulos Filippos, Bouvet Jean-Marc, Vaillancourt René E., Kanashiro Milton, Fady Bruno, Tomita Motoshi, Vinson Christina.
Forest Ecology and Management,
333 : 52-65.
An appraisal of chainsaw milling in the Congo Basin.
Lescuyer Guillaume, Cerutti Paolo Omar, Essiane Mendoula Edouard, Eba'a Atyi Richard, Nasi Robert.
In : The forests of the Congo Basin : State of the forest 2010. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), De Marcken Paya (ed.), Bayol Nicolas (ed.), Hiol Hiol François (ed.), Mayaux Philippe (ed.), Desclée B. (ed.), Billand Alain (ed.), Nasi Robert (ed.)
. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 97-107.
ISBN 978-92-79-22716-5
Évaluation du secteur du sciage artisanal dans le bassin du Congo.
Lescuyer Guillaume, Cerutti Paolo Omar, Essiane Mendoula Edouard, Eba'a Atyi Richard, Nasi Robert.
In : Les forêts du Bassin du Congo : Etat des forêts 2010. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), De Marcken Paya (ed.), Bayol Nicolas (ed.), Hiol Hiol François (ed.), Mayaux Philippe (ed.), Desclée B. (ed.), Billand Alain (ed.), Nasi Robert (ed.)
. Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 97-108.
ISBN 978-92-79-22717-2
 Prévisualisation |
Rapport annuel 1992.
Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Lebot Vincent, Schmitt Laurent, Tassin Jacques.
Antananarivo : CIRAD-Forêt, 27 p.
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