Résultats pour : "oxyde nitrique"
Nombre de documents : 3.
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Differentially expressed genes and proteins upon drought acclimation in tolerant and sensitive genotypes of Coffea canephora.
Marraccini Pierre, Vinecky Felipe, Alves Gabriel Sergio Costa, Ramos Humberto J.O., Elbelt Sonia, Vieira Natalia Gomes, Carneiro Fernanda A, Sujii Patricia. S, Alekcevetch Jean Carlos, Silva Vânia Aparecida, Damatta Fabio M., Ferrão Maria Amélia G., Leroy Thierry, Pot David, Vieira Luiz Gonzaga Esteves, Da Silva Felipe, Andrade Alan Carvalho.
Journal of Experimental Botany,
63 (11) : 4191-4212.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 02:57:54 2025 CET.