Résultats pour : "polluant des sols"
Nombre de documents : 2.
Trace contaminants in the environmental assessment of organic waste recycling in agriculture: Gaps between methods and knowledge.
Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel, Benoit Pierre, Bravin Matthieu, Cournoyer Benoit, Feder Frédéric, Galia Wessam, Garnier Patricia, Haudin Claire-Sophie, Legros Samuel, Mamy Laure, Nazaret Sylvie, Patureau Dominique, Pot Valérie, Vieublé Gonod Laure, Wassenaar Tom, Doelsch Emmanuel.
In : Advances in Agronomy: Volume 174. Sparks Donald L. (ed.)
. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 53-188.
(Advances in Agronomy, 174)
ISBN 978-0-323-98957-2
Redistribution of Zn towards light-density fractions and potentially mobile phases in a long-term manure-amended clayey soil.
Formentini Thiago Augusto, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle, Legros Samuel, Borschneck Daniel, Venzon Julia S., Pinheiro Adilson, Fernandes Cristovão Vicente Scapulatempo, Mallmann Fábio Joel Kochem, Da Veiga Milton, Doelsch Emmanuel.
394:115044, 9 p.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 03:09:18 2025 CET.