Nombre de documents : 26.
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Useful near infrared spectroscopy model calibrations on solid wood samples of Pterocarpus erinaceus (Poir.) for physical, mechanical and colour properties.
Segla Kossi Novinyo, Rabiou Habou, Adjonou Kossi, Guibal Daniel, Bationo Babou André, Mahamane Ali, Kokou Kouami, Langbour Patrick, Kokutse Adzo Dzifa, Chaix Gilles.
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy,
25 (4) : 256-266.
Development of single nucleotide polymorphism markers in the large and complex rubber tree genome using next-generation sequence data.
Moura De Souza Livia, Toledo-Silva Guilherme, Cardoso-Silva Claudio Benicio, Da Silva Carla Cristina, De Araujo Andreotti Isabella, Oliveira Conson André Ricardo, Mantello Camilia Campos, Le Guen Vincent, Pereira de Souza Anete.
Molecular Breeding,
36 (8):115, 10 p.
Evaluation of Musa Germplasm.
Van den Bergh Inge, Domaingue Robert.
In : Global strategy for the conservation and use of Musa (Banana) genetic resources. Global Musa genetic resources network (MusaNet)
. Montpellier : Bioversity International, 114-123.
ISBN 978-92-9255-050-9
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Goh Doreen Kim Soh, Monteuuis Olivier.
In : Vegetative propagation of forest trees. Park Yill-Sung (ed.), Bonga Jan (ed.), Moon Hyeung-Kyu (ed.)
. Daejeon : National Institute of Forest Science, 425-440.
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Intertwining threshold settings, biological data and database knowledge to optimize the selection of differentially expressed genes from microarray.
Chuchana Paul, Holzmuller Philippe, Vezilier Frédéric, Berthier David, Chantal Isabelle, Severac Dany, Lemesre Jean-Loup, Cuny Gérard, Nirdé Philippe, Bucheton Bruno.
PloS One,
5 (10):e13518, 12 p.
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Progress towards the genetic transformation of four tropical Acacia species : Acacia mangium, Acacia crassicarpa, Acacia mearnsii and Acacia albida.
Quoirin M., Galiana Antoine, Goh Doreen Kim Soh, Limanton A., Gratio V., Ahée J., Rio Maryannick, Oliveira D., Duhoux Emile, Franche Claudine.
In : Molecular biology of woody plants. Jain Shri Mohan (ed.), Minocha Subhash C. (ed.)
. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 161-178.
(Forestry Sciences, 66)
ISBN 0-7923-6241-1
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