Résultats pour : "sol basaltique"
Nombre de documents : 6.
Article de revue
Virtual experiments using a participatory model to explore interactions between climatic variability and management decisions in extensive grazing systems in the basaltic region of Uruguay.
Dieguez Cameroni F.J., Terra R., Tabarez S., Bommel Pierre, Corral Jorge, Bartaburu Danilo, Pereira Marcelo, Montes Esteban, Duarte Emilio, Morales Hermes.
Agricultural Systems,
130 : 89-104.
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Productive and Reproductive results of the simulation of an extensive livestock farm: an analysis of the effect of the grass availability and stocking rate.
Dieguez Francisco, Bommel Pierre, Corral Jorge, Bartaburu Danilo, Pereira Marcelo, Montes Esteban, Duarte Emilio, Grosskopf Hermes Morales.
Veterinaria (Montevideo),
48suppl.1, Résumé : 140. Congreso Asociacion Uruguaya de Produccion Animal (AUPA). 4, Montevideo, Uruguay, 29 Octobre 2012/30 Octobre 2012.
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Document technique et de recherche
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