Nombre de documents : 26.
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Geographic monitoring of insecticide resistance mutations in native and invasive populations of the fall armyworm.
Yainna Kumarihami Sudeeptha, Nègre Nicolas, Silvie Pierre, Brévault Thierry, Tay Wee Tek, Gordon Karl H.J., D'Alençon Emmanuelle, Walsh Thomas, Nam Kiwoong.
12 (5), n.spéc. Recent Advances in the Understanding of Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance in Noctuid Pests:468, 12 p.
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La télédétection au service de la lutte antiacridienne.
Latchininsky Alexandre, Piou Cyril, Franc Alex, Soti Valérie.
In : Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection IV : environnement et risques. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.)
. Londres : ISTE, 267-294.
(Télédétection pour l'observation des surfaces continentales, 6)
ISBN 978-1-78405-161-7
Monitoramento de cigarrinhas (Hemiptera: Auchenorryncha) em acessos de coqueiro-anão.
Gonçalves da Silva Flaviana, dos Passos Eliana Maria, Vieira Teodoro Adenir, Cardamone Diniz Leandro Eugenio, Ferreira Fernandes Marcelo, Dollet Michel.
Revista Recursos Genéticos News,
3 (2), p. 230 Simpósio da Rede de Recursos Genéticos Vegetais do Nordeste. 3, Aracaju, Brésil, 8 Octobre 2017/11 Octobre 2017.
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Agroecological management of cucurbit-infesting fruit fly: a review.
Deguine Jean-Philippe, Atiama-Nurbel Toulassi, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Augusseau Xavier, Atiama Morguen, Jacquot Maxime, Reynaud Bernard.
In : Agroecological engineering. Lescourret Françoise (ed.), Dutoit Thierry (ed.), Rey Freddy (ed.), Côte François (ed.), Hamelin Marjolaine (ed.), Lichtfouse Eric (ed.)
. Cham : Springer, 279-307.
ISBN 978-3-319-27874-2
Applications of remote sensing to locust management.
Latchininsky Alexandre, Piou Cyril, Franc Alex, Soti Valérie.
In : Land Surface Remote Sensing: Environment and Risks. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.)
. Londres : Elsevier-ISTE Press, 263-293.
(Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set)
ISBN 978-1-78548-105-5
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Gestion agroécologique des mouches des fruits de la mangue au Bénin.
Sinzogan Antonio Alain Coffi, Vayssières Jean-François, Ratnadass Alain.
In : Protection agroécologique des cultures. Deguine Jean-Philippe (ed.), Gloanec Caroline (ed.), Laurent Philippe (ed.), Ratnadass Alain (ed.), Aubertot Jean-Noël (ed.)
. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 145-151.
(Savoir faire)
ISBN 978-2-7592-2410-4
Overview of the programme to eradicate Bactrocera carambolae in South America.
Midgarden David, Van Sauers-Muller Aliès, Godoy Maria Julia Signoretti, Vayssières Jean-François.
In : Fruit fly research and development in Africa: Towards a sustainable management strategy to improve horticulture. Ekesi Sunday (ed.), Mohamed Samira A. (ed.), De Meyer Marc (ed.)
. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 705-736.
ISBN 978-3-319-43224-3
Seasonal abundance of mango fruit flies (Diptera: tephritidae) and ecological implications for their management in mango and cashew orchards in Benin (centre and north).
Vayssières Jean-François, De Meyer Marc, Ouagoussounon Issa, Sinzogan Antonio Alain Coffi, Adandonon Appolinaire, Korie Sam, Wargui Rosine, Anato F., Houngbo Hermance, Didier Christian, De Bon Hubert, Goergen Georg.
Journal of Economic Entomology,
108 (5) : 2213-2230.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 00:53:50 2025 CET.