Résultats pour : "taux d'efficacité unité terre"
Nombre de documents : 4.
Article de revue
Pomegranate-quinoa-based agroforestry system: An innovative strategy to alleviate salinity effects and enhance land use efficiency in salt-affected semiarid regions.
Abidi lham, Daoui Khalid, Abouabdillah Aziz, Bazile Didier, Sidikou Abdel Aziz Hassane, Belqadi Loubna, Mahyou Hamid, Alaoui Si Bennasseur.
13 (18), n.spéc. Worldwide Evaluations of Quinoa and Amaranth—Biodiversity and Food Security under Climate Change Pressures Volume II:2543, 25 p.
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The 4C approach as a way to understand species interactions determining intercropping productivity.
Justes Eric, Bedoussac Laurent, Dordas Christos, Frak Ela, Louarn Gaëtan, Boudsocq Simon, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Lithourgidis Anastasios, Pankou Chrysanthi, Zhang Chaochun, Carlsson Georg, Jensen Erik Steen, Watson Christine, Li Long.
Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 13 p.
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