Résultats pour : "technique génétique"
Nombre de documents : 4.
Article de revue
Improving the accuracy of genomic predictions in an outcrossing species with hybrid cultivars between heterozygote parents: A case study of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.).
Nyouma Achille, Bell Joseph Martin, Jacob Florence, Riou Virginie, Manez Aurore, Pomiès Virginie, Domonhedo Hubert, Arifiyanto Deni, Cochard Benoît, Durand-Gasselin Tristan, Cros David.
Molecular Genetics and Genomics,
297 : 523-533.
A polyphasic approach reveals novel genotypes and updates the genetic structure of the banana fusarium wilt pathogen.
Mostert Diane, Wicker Emmanuel, de Jager Mignon M., Al Kaabi Saif M., O'Neill Wayne, Perry Suzy, Li Chunyu, Ganyun Yi, Pegg Kenneth G., Mostert Lizel, Viljoen Altus.
10 (2):269, 18 p.
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EST-SSR development for Digitaria exilis and its relatives D. iburua and D. longiflora from transcriptome sequences.
Olodo Katina Floride, Gueye Mame Codou, Calatayud Caroline, Diop Baye Magatte, Kane Ndjido Ardo, Ngom Ablaye, Ntui Valentine O., Barreto Marie-Madeleine S., Uyoh Edak A., Abraham Salomon, Vigouroux Yves, Billot Claire, Barnaud Adeline.
Plant Genetic Resources,
17 (3) : 280-284.
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