Nombre de documents : 20.
Article de revue
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Thresholds for persistent leaf photochemical damage predict plant drought resilience in a tropical rainforest.
Fortunel Claire, Stahl Clément, Coste Sabrina, Ziegler Camille, Derroire Géraldine, Levionnois Sébastien, Marechaux Isabelle, Bonal Damien, Herault Bruno, Wagner Fabien, Sack Lawren, Chave Jérôme, Heuret Patrick, Jansen Steven, John Grace, Scoffoni Christine, Trueba Santiago, Bartlett Megan K..
New Phytologist,
239 (2) : 576-591.
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From soil to cacao bean: Unravelling the pathways of cadmium translocation in a high Cd accumulating cultivar of Theobroma cacao L.
Blommaert Hester, Aucour Anne-Marie, Wiggenhauser Matthias, Moens Claudia, Telouk Philippe, Campillo Sylvain, Beauchêne Jacques, Landrot Gautier, Testemale Denis, Pin Serge, Lewis Caleb, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Smolders Erik, Sarret Géraldine.
Frontiers in Plant Science,
13:1055912, 19 p.
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The 18 O-signal transfer from water vapour to leaf water and assimilates varies among plant species and growth forms.
Lehmann Marco M., Goldsmith Gregory R., Mirande-Ney Cathleen, Weigt Rosemarie B., Schönbeck Leonie, Kahmen Ansgar, Gessler Arthur, Siegwolf Rolf T.W., Saurer Matthias.
Plant, Cell and Environment,
43 (2) : 510-523.
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Genetic structure of fragmented southern populations of African Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer).
Smitz Nathalie, Cornélis Daniel, Chardonnet Philippe, Caron Alexandre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Jori Ferran, Mouton Alice, Latinne Alice, Pigneur Lise-Marie, Melletti Mario, Kanapeckas Kimberly L., Marescaux Jonathan, Lopes Pereira Carlos, Michaux Johan.
BMC Evolutionary Biology,
14 (203), 19 p.
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Document technique et de recherche
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