How marker-assisted breeding of Musa balbisiana genitors devoid of infectious endogenous Banana streak virus sequences contributes to pesticide-free agroecological banana farming systems.
Umber Marie, Pichaut Jean-Philippe, Farinas Benoît, Laboureau Nathalie, Janzac Bérenger, Plaisir Pineau Kaïssa, Pressat Gersende, Baurens Franc-Christophe, Chabannes Matthieu, Duroy Pierre-Olivier, Guiougou Chantal, Delos Jean-Marie Eric, Jenny Christophe, Iskra Caruana Marie-Line, Salmon Frédéric, Teycheney Pierre-Yves.
In : Engineering Ecological Modernization of Agriculture - Exploring the Potential of Tropical Biological Resources for Innovation - Towards a Bio-Economic Development of Caribbean Countries : Proceedings of the 52nd annual meeting of the CFCS. Naves Michel (ed.), Angeon Valérie (ed.), Merlot Bérengère (ed.), Fahrasmane Louis (ed.), Diman Jean Louis (ed.), Labbé Patrick (ed.), Traffond Patricia (ed.), Colon Wilfredo (ed.), Ozier Lafontaine Harry (ed.)
. Gosier : CFCS, 75-76.
Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society. 52, Gosier, Guadeloupe, 10 Juillet 2016/16 Juillet 2016.