FDR and SRD are meiotic mechanisms involved in unreduced pollen gamete formation in a diploid hybrid between clementine and sweet orange.
Rouiss Houssem, Cuenca José, Navarro Luis, Ollitrault Patrick, Aleza Pablo.
In : Abstract book Sustainable citriculture: the role of applied knowledge. Mattos Dirceu (ed.), Fermino Carlos Eduardo (ed.), Moreira Novelli Valdenice (ed.), Alves de Azevedo Fernando (ed.), Della Coletta Filho Helvécio (ed.), Vicente Contador Zaccheo Paulo (ed.). IAC, IAPAR
. Londrina : IAPAR, Résumé, 100.
ISBN 978-85-88184-55-8 International Citrus Congress, Foz do Iguaçu, Brésil, 18 Septembre 2016/23 Septembre 2016.