Market gardening for African cities: contributions, challenges and innovations towards food security.
Burnod Perrine, Avadi Angel, Fernandes Paula, Feder Frédéric, Aubry Christine, Nordey Thibault, Defrise Laurence, Djigal Djibril, Jolivot Audrey, Dupuy Stéphane, Assigbetse Komi, David-Benz Hélène, Perrin Coline, Andriamanga Valérie.
In : Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Thomas Alban (ed.), Alpha Arlène (ed.), Barczak Aleksandra (ed.), Zakhia-Rozis Nadine (ed.)
. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 201-217.
(Synthèses : Quae)
ISBN 978-2-7592-3575-9