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Nombre de documents : 28.

Article de revue

Harmonized in situ datasets for agricultural land use mapping and monitoring in tropical countries. Jolivot Audrey, Lebourgeois Valentine, Leroux Louise, Ameline Maël, Andriamanga Valérie, Bellon Béatriz, Castets Mathieu, Crespin-Boucaud Arthur, Defourny Pierre, Diaz Santiana, Dieye Mohamadou, Dupuy Stéphane, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D., Gaetano Raffaele, Gély Marie, Jahel Camille, Kabore Bertin, Lelong Camille, Le Maire Guerric, Lo Seen Danny, Muthoni Martha, Ndao Babacar, Newby Terrence, de Oliveira Santos Cecília Lira Melo, Rasoamalala Eloise, Simoes Margareth, Thiaw Ibrahima, Timmermans Alice, Tran Annelise, Bégué Agnès. 2021. Earth System Science Data, 13 (12) : 5951-5967.

Pteropus lylei primarily forages in residential areas in Kandal, Cambodia. Choden Kinley, Ravon Sébastien, Epstein Jonathan H., Hoem Thavry, Furey Neil M., Gély Marie, Jolivot Audrey, Hul Vibol, Neung Chhoeuth, Tran Annelise, Cappelle Julien. 2019. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (7) : 4181-4191.

Acquisition d'images thermiques par drone : corrections radiométriques à partir de données terrain. Jolivot Audrey, Gomez-Candon David, Labbé Sylvain, Virlet Nicolas, Regnard Jean-Luc. 2017. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (213-214), n.spéc. Drones : 117-123.
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Driving forces of recent vegetation changes in the Sahel: Lessons learned from regional and local level analyses. Leroux Louise, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Chong Danny, Jolivot Audrey, Kayitakire François. 2017. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191 : 38-54.

Field phenotyping of water stress at tree scale by UAV-sensed imagery: New insights for thermal acquisition and calibration. Gomez-Candon David, Virlet Nicolas, Labbé Sylvain, Jolivot Audrey, Regnard Jean-Luc. 2016. Precision Agriculture, 17 (6) : 786-800.
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How reliable is the MODIS land cover product for crop mapping Sub-Saharan agricultural landscapes? Leroux Louise, Jolivot Audrey, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Danny, Zoungrana Bernardin. 2014. Remote Sensing, 6 (9) : 8541-8564.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Le maraîchage pour les villes africaines : contributions, défis et innovations au regard de la sécurité alimentaire. Burnod Perrine, Avadi Angel, Fernandes Paula, Feder Frédéric, Aubry Christine, Nordey Thibault, Defrise Laurence, Djigal Djibril, Jolivot Audrey, Dupuy Stéphane, Assigbetse Komi, David-Benz Hélène, Perrin Coline, Andriamanga Valérie. 2024. In : Durabilité des systèmes pour la sécurité alimentaire. Combiner les approches locales et globales. Thomas Alban (ed.), Alpha Arlène (ed.), Barczak Aleksandra (ed.), Zakhia-Rozis Nadine (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 223-235. (Synthèses : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3852-1

Market gardening for African cities: contributions, challenges and innovations towards food security. Burnod Perrine, Avadi Angel, Fernandes Paula, Feder Frédéric, Aubry Christine, Nordey Thibault, Defrise Laurence, Djigal Djibril, Jolivot Audrey, Dupuy Stéphane, Assigbetse Komi, David-Benz Hélène, Perrin Coline, Andriamanga Valérie. 2022. In : Sustainable food systems for food security. Need for combination of local and global approaches. Thomas Alban (ed.), Alpha Arlène (ed.), Barczak Aleksandra (ed.), Zakhia-Rozis Nadine (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 201-217. (Synthèses : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3575-9

Thermal-infrared imaging. Faye Emile, Jolivot Audrey, Théau Jérôme, Regnard Jean-Luc, Gomez-Candon David. 2022. In : UAVs for the environmental sciences: methods and applications. Eltner Anette (ed.), Hoffmeister Dirk (ed.), Kaiser Andreas (ed.), Karrasch Pierre (ed.), Klingbeil Lasse (ed.), Stocker Claudia (ed.), Rovere Alessio (ed.). Darmstadt : wbg Academic, 157-177. ISBN 978-3-534-40588-6

Contribution of remote sensing in analysis of crop water stress. Case study on durum wheat. Jolivot Audrey, Labbé Sylvain, Lebourgeois Valentine. 2012. In : The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for irrigation management in Southwest Europe. M. Erena, A. López-Francos, S. Montesinos, J-F. Berthoumieu. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 209-216. (Options Méditerranéennes, Series B: Studies and Research, 67) ISBN 2-85352-482-5

Thermal infra-red remote sensing for water stress estimation in agriculture. Labbé Sylvain, Lebourgeois Valentine, Jolivot Audrey, Marti R.. 2012. In : The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for irrigation management in Southwest Europe. M. Erena, A. López-Francos, S. Montesinos, J-F. Berthoumieu. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 175-184. (Options Méditerranéennes, Series B: Studies and Research, 67) ISBN 2-85352-482-5

Communication invitée

Fomento de sistemas de producción de palma aceitera innovadores en México, ampliando sus beneficios ambientales y sociales. Feintrenie Laurene, Monzón-Alvarado Claudia, Cifuentes Espinosa Jaime Andrès, Penot Eric, Rafflegeau Sylvain, Vlaminck Winston, Labeyrie Axel, Mata-Zayas Ena E., Vázquez Navarrete César J., Torres Loza Daniel, Becerril-Hernandez Hilario, Cadenas-Madrigal Calixto, Deforceville Camille, Gama Lilly, Gazull Laurent, Hernandez-Nataren Edith, Jolivot Audrey, Lagunes-Espinoza Luz del Carmen, Madec Simon, Mesa-Jurado María Azahara, Moguel Eduardo, Pacheco Coral, Palma-López David, Perez Raphaël, Rincon-Ramirez Joaquin, Romero Katia, De Dios Valdez Juan. 2023. . SOMEREFO, UJAT. Villahermosa : SOMEREFO, Résumé, 3 p. Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales. 16, Villahermosa, Mexique, 15 Novembre 2023/18 Novembre 2023.

Communication avec actes

Water stress assessment at tree scale: high-resolution thermal UAV imagery acquisition and processing. Gomez-Candon David, Torres-Sanchez J., Labbé Sylvain, Jolivot Audrey, Martinez Sébastien, Regnard Jean-Luc. 2017. In : Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Marsal Jordi (ed.), Girona Joan (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 159-165. (Acta Horticulturae, 1150) ISBN 978-94-6261-145-0 International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. 8, Geisenheim, Espagne, 8 Juin 2015/11 Juin 2015.

Contribution of high-resolution remotely sensed thermal-infrared imagery to high-throughput field phenotyping of an apple progeny submitted to water constraints. Virlet Nicolas, Gomez-Candon David, Lebourgeois Valentine, Martinez S., Jolivot Audrey, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Costes Evelyne, Labbé Sylvain, Regnard Jean-Luc. 2016. In : Proceedings of the international symposium on plant breeding in horticulture. Onus N. (ed.), Currie A. (ed.). ISHS. Brisbane : ISHS, 243-250. (Acta Horticulturae, 1127) ISBN 978-94-62611-39-9 International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposium on Plant Breeding in Horticulture. 29, Brisbane, Australie, 17 Août 2014/22 Août 2014.
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Some contributions of remote sensing for orchard irrigation scheduling resulting from the telerieg research program in the south-west of France. Isbérie Carole, Labbé Sylvain, Jolivot Audrey, Marti R., Bégué Agnès, Akakpo Koladé, Regnard Jean-Luc, Colonges T., Virlet Nicolas, Saphy B., Roux B.. 2014. In : ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1038 : Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Geisenheim, Germany,16-20 of june 2012. P. Braun ; M. Stoll ; J. Zinkernagel (eds.). Louvain : ISHS, 255-262. (Acta Horticulturae : ISHS, 1038) ISBN 978-94-62610-26-2 International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. 7, Geisenheim, Allemagne, 16 Juin 2012/20 Juin 2012.

Communication par affiche

Which futures can ensure food security in the Niayes, Senegal? Jahel Camille, Faye A., Delay Etienne, Laske Esther, Aguejdad R., Laske Esther, Aguejdad R., Faye S., Jolivot Audrey, Camara Astou Diaw, Bourgeois Robin. 2020. In : Which futures can ensure food security in the Niayes, Senegal?. Elsevier, MUSE, Wageningen University. s.l. : Elsevier, 1 poster International Conference on Global Food Security. 4, s.l., 4 Décembre 2020/9 Décembre 2020.

GUYAFOR: a network of research permanent plots of tropical forests in French Guiana. Jolivot Audrey, Baraloto Christopher, Blanc Lilian, Chave Jérôme, Guitet Stéphane. 2008. In : ATBC 2008: Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Paramaribo - Surinamea, june 9-13 2008. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Paramaribo, Suriname, 9 Juin 2008/13 Juin 2008.

Communication sans actes

The MORINGA processing chain: Automatic object-based land cover classification of tropical agrosystems using multi-sensor satellite imagery. Gaetano Raffaele, Dupuy Stéphane, Lebourgeois Valentine, Le Maire Guerric, Tran Annelise, Jolivot Audrey, Bégué Agnès. 2019. . Milan : Italian Space Agency, 3 p. 2019 Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italie, 13 Mai 2019/17 Mai 2019.

Acquisition d'images thermiques par drone : corrections radiométriques à partir de données terrain. Jolivot Audrey, Gomez-Candon David, Labbé Sylvain, Virlet Nicolas, Regnard Jean-Luc. 2014. . IGN, IRSTEA, SFPT, Optitec, Pôle Pegase, Pôle Risques, Captiven, Isprs, Agroparistech, Institut Carnot, ANR. Montpellier : IGN-IRSTEA, 7 p. Colloque scientifique francophone : drones et moyens légers aéroportés d’observation, Montpellier, France, 24 Juin 2014/26 Juin 2014.

Contribution of MODIS land cover product to the analysis of the agricultural domain between 2001 and 2011 in West Africa. Leroux Louise, Jolivot Audrey, Zoungrana Bernardin, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Danny. 2014. In : Land Transformations: between global challenges and local realities, 2nd GPL Open Science Meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 19-21, 2014. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (31 vues) Global Land Project Open Science Meeting. 2, Berlin, Allemagne, 19 Mars 2014/21 Mars 2014.

Zonage du Brésil à partir d'une série temporelle d'images MODIS. Jolivot Audrey, Bégué Agnès, Bisquert Mar, Tonneau Jean-Philippe, Simoes Margareth. 2014. In : Envibras2014 'Environnement et géomatique : approches comparées France - Brésil', Rennes, France, 12-15 novembre 2014. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (38 vues) Envibras2014, Rennes, France, 12 Novembre 2014/15 Novembre 2014.

Rapport d'expertise

Mapping Amu Darya's ecosystem riverbanks: land cover, ecology and LABR management. Cesaro Jean-Daniel, Jolivot Audrey, Taugourdeau Simon. 2019. Montpellier : CIRAD-ES-UMR SELMET, 36 p.

Document technique et de recherche

Rapport du projet OptIPalMex - Rapport intermédiaire juillet 2024. Feintrenie Laurene, Monzón-Alvarado Claudia, Mata-Zayas Ena E., Vázquez Navarrete César J., Torres Loza Daniel, Vlaminck Winston, Lacan Xavier, Becerril-Hernandez Hilario, Cadenas-Madrigal Calixto, Cifuentes-Espinosa Jaime Andrés, Deforceville Camille, Gama Lilly, Gazull Laurent, Hernandez-Nataren Edith, Jolivot Audrey, Labeyrie Axel, Lagunes-Espinoza Luz del Carmen, Madec Simon, Mesa-Jurado María Azahara, Moguel Eduardo, Pacheco Coral, Palma-López David, Penot Eric, Perez Raphaël, Rafflegeau Sylvain, Rincon-Ramirez Joaquin, Romero Katia, De Dios Valdez Juan. 2024. Montpellier : CIRAD, 31 p.
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Dynamiques foncières 2016-2020 sur le département de Rufisque (Sénégal). Jolivot Audrey, Sirdey Ninon. 2023. Montpellier : CIRAD, 5 p.

Support de cours



Atlas du zonage agro-écologique de la Guinée (et des dynamiques d'occupation des sols). Gazull Laurent (ed.), Camara Aboubacar (ed.), Jaffrain Gabriel (ed.), Lorente Jean-Claude (collab.), Jolivot Audrey (collab.), Bah Boubacar (collab.), Kourouma Amara (collab.), Ngoukoulou Béthyna (collab.). 2023. Conakry : CIRAD-IGN FI-ANASA, 40 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-797-3

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