Résultats pour : "évaluation multicritère"
Nombre de documents : 4.
Article de revue
Heterogeneity of resilience of livelihood strategies in pastoral and agropastoral farming systems of rural semi-arid to arid areas in Morocco.
Alary Véronique, Caulfield Mark E., Amsidder Lina, Juanes Xavier, Boujenane Ismail, Sraïri Mohamed Taher, Sam Adams, Hammond James, Van Wijk Mark T..
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,
5:723994, 16 p.
 Prévisualisation |
 Prévisualisation |
Design and multicriteria assessment of low-input cropping systems based on plant diversification in southwestern France.
Bonnet Catherine, Gaudio Noemie, Alletto Lionel, Raffaillac Didier, Bergez Jacques-Eric, Debaeke Philippe, Gavaland André, Willaume Magali, Bedoussac Laurent, Justes Eric.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development,
41:65, 19 p.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:26:23 2025 CET.