Résultats pour : "Bois de construction"
Nombre de documents : 4.
Experimental analysis of acoustic anisotropy of green wood by using guided waves.
Dikrallah Adil, Hakam Abdelillah, Kabouchi Bousselham, Brancheriau Loïc, Baillères Henri, Famiri Abderrahim, Ziani Mohsine.
In : International Conference of the European Society for Wood Mechanichs (ESWM) and the Annual Meeting of COST Action E 35 , Florence, Italy, May 14-17th 2006
. s.l. : s.n., 149-154.
ESWM and COST Action E35 Meeting, Florence, Italie, 14 Mai 2006/17 Mai 2006.
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