Résultats pour : "Culex poicilipes"
Nombre de documents : 3.
Rift Valley fever, Mauritania, 2020: Lessons from a one health approach.
Barry Yahya, Elbara Ahmed, Bollahi Mohamed Abdallahi, Ould El Mamy Ahmed Bezeid, Fall Mokhtar, Beyit Abdellahi Diambar, Khayar Mariem Seyidna, Demba Ba Aliou, Haki Mohamed Lemine, Faye Ousmane, Plee Ludovic, Bonbon Etienne, Doumbia Baba, Arsevska Elena, Cetre-Sossah Catherine.
One Health,
15:100413, 9 p.
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Combining hydrology and mosquito population models to identify the drivers of Rift Valley fever emergence in semi-arid regions of West Africa : consequences for control.
Soti Valérie, Tran Annelise, Degenne Pascal, Chevalier Véronique, Lo Seen Danny, Thiongane Yaya, Diallo Mawlouth, Guégan Jean-François, Fontenille Didier.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
6 (8):e1795, 11 p.
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