Résultats pour : "Culicoides montanus"
Nombre de documents : 3.
Article de revue
The tree that hides the forest: cryptic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the Palaearctic vector Obsoletus/Scoticus Complex (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) at the European level.
Mignotte Antoine, Garros Claire, Gardes Laëtitia, Balenghien Thomas, Duhayon Maxime, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Tabourin Laura, Poujol Léa, Mathieu Bruno, Ibáñez-Justicia Adolfo, Deniz Ahmet, Cvetkovikj Aleksandar, Purse Bethan V., Ramilo David, et al..
Parasites and Vectors,
13:265, 13 p.
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