Nombre de documents : 10.
Article de revue
Linking drone and ground-based liana measurements in a congolese forest.
Kacamak Asli Begum, Barbier Nicolas, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Forni Eric, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Guibal Daniel, Loumeto Jean-Joël, Pollet Sasha, Rossi Vivien, Rowe Nick P., Van Hoef Yorick, Rejou-Mechain Maxime.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change,
5:803194, 16 p.
 Prévisualisation |
What tree rings can tell us about the competition between trees and lianas? A case study based on growth, anatomy, density, and carbon accumulation.
Venegas-González Alejandro, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Albiero Junio Alci, Peres Chagas Matheus, Anholetto Junior Claudio R., Chaix Gilles, Tomazello Filho Mario.
42 : 1-11.
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Document technique et de recherche
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