An unnoticed important pest on germinating coconuts in Indonesia Pterolophia apiceplagiata Breuning, Coléoptera Cerambycidae.
Desmier De Chenon Roch, Asj'ari M., Kitu W.T..
In : Pest and disorders of plantation crops. Pest and disease management in tropical forest. Phytophthora diseases in the tropics. Ooi A.C.P. (ed.), Lim G.S. (ed.), Teng P.S. (ed.). MAPPS. Kuala Lumpur : Malaysian Plant Protection Society, 69-76.
ISBN 967-9942-13-9 International conference on plant protection in the tropics. 3, Genting Highlands, Malaisie, 20 Mars 1990/23 Mars 1990.