Résultats pour : "Uapaca bojeri"
Nombre de documents : 5.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi on the early colonizing shrub Sarcolaena oblongifolia F. facilitate the establishment of an endemic tree Uapaca bojeri L. in Madagascarian highland forests.
Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Baohanta Rondro Harinisainana, Randriambanona Herizo, Prin Yves, Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Baudoin Ezékiel, Thioulouse Jean, Galiana Antoine, Lebrun Marc, Dreyfus Bernard, Duponnois Robin.
International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution,
1 (1) : 1-15.
Restoring native forest ecosystems after exotic tree plantation in Madagascar: Combination of the local ectotrophic species Leptolena bojeriana and Uapaca bojeri mitigates the negative influence of the exotic species Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pinus patula.
Baohanta Rondro Harinisainana, Thioulouse Jean, Ramanankierana Heriniaina, Prin Yves, Rasolomampianina R., Baudoin Ezékiel, Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Galiana Antoine, Randriambanona Herizo, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin.
Biological Invasions,
14 (11) : 2407-2421.
Arbuscular mycorrhizas and ectomycorrhizas of Uapaca bojeri L. (Euphorbiaceae) : Sporophore diversity, patterns of root colonization, and effects on seedling growth and soil microbial catabolic diversity.
Ramanankierana Naina, Ducousso Marc, Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Prin Yves, Thioulouse Jean, Randrianjohany Emile, Ramaroson Luciano, Kisa Marija, Galiana Antoine, Duponnois Robin.
17 : 195-208.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:51:19 2025 CET.