
Résultats pour : "coffee leaf rust (CLR)"

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Nombre de documents : 4.

Improved forecasting of coffee leaf rust by qualitative modeling: Design and expert validation of the ExpeRoya model. Motisi Natacha, Bommel Pierre, Leclerc Grégoire, Robin Marie-Hélène, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Arias Butron Andrea, Merle Isabelle, Treminio Edwin, Avelino Jacques. 2022. Agricultural Systems, 197:103352, 26 p.

Coffee rust epidemics in Central America: Chronicle of a resistance breakdown following the great epidemics of 2012 and 2013. Avelino Jacques, Anzueto Francisco. 2020. In : Emerging plant diseases and global food security. Ristaino Jean Beagle (ed.), Records Angela (ed.). Saint Paul : APS Press, 185-198. ISBN 978-0-89054-638-3

Discovering weather periods and crop properties favorable for coffee rust incidence from feature selection approaches. Lasso Emmamnuel, Corrales David Camilo, Avelino Jacques, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Corrales Juan Carlos. 2020. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 176:105640, 11 p.

Gene expression in coffee. Marraccini Pierre. 2020. In : Progress in botany. Cánovas F.M. (ed.), Lüttge U. (ed.), Risueño MC. (ed.), Pretzsch H. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 43-111. (Progress in Botany, 82) ISBN 978-3-030-68619-2

Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:27:27 2025 CET.