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Aller à 2015 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995

Nombre de documents : 34.


Parapatric distribution and sexual competition between two tick species, Amblyomma variegatum and A. hebraeum (Acari, Ixodidae), in Mozambique. Bournez Laure, Cangi N., Lancelot Renaud, Pleydell David, Stachurski Frédéric, Bouyer Jérémy, Martinez Dominique, Lefrançois Thierry, Neves Luis, Pradel Jennifer. 2015. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (504), 14 p.


Analysis of T-Cell responses in cattle immunized against heartwater by vaccination with killed elementary bodies of Cowdria ruminantium. Totté Philippe, McKeever D., Martinez Dominique, Bensaïd Albert. 1997. Infection and Immunity, 65 (1) : 236-241.

Analysis of the immune response of ruminants to Cowdria ruminantium infection. Development of an inactivated vaccine. Martinez Dominique. 1997. Utrecht : Université d'Utrecht, 208 p. Thèse d'université : University of Utrecht

Cartographie des orchidées sauvages du département de la Guadeloupe : Rapport final. Feldmann Philippe, Barré Nicolas. 1997. Petit Bourg : Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement, 48 p.

Compte-rendu du séminaire régional sur la compétitivité du secteur agricole dans les Petites Antilles. Camus Emmanuel. 1997. Jarry : CIRAD-EMVT, 8 p. Séminaire compétitivité secteur agricole petites-Antilles, Guadeloupe, 30 Juin 1997/2 Juillet 1997.

Detection of genomic polymorphisms among isolates of the intracellular bacterium Cowdria ruminantium by random amplified polymorphic DNA and Southern blotting. Perez Jean-Marie, Martinez Dominique, Debus A., Sheikboudou Christian, Bensaïd Albert. 1997. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 154 : 73-79.

Development and evaluation of a recombinant antigen, monoclonal antibody-based competitive ELISA for heartwater serodiagnosis. Katz J.B., De Wald R., Dawson J.E., Camus Emmanuel, Martinez Dominique, Mondry R.. 1997. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (9) : 130-135.

Development of an in vitro cloning method for Cowdria ruminantium. Perez Jean-Marie, Martinez Dominique, Debus A., Sheikboudou Christian, Bensaïd Albert. 1997. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 4 (5) : 620-623.

Introduction et extension de la tourterelle turque Streptopelia decaocto dans les petites Antilles. Barré Nicolas, Feldmann Philippe, Tayalay Georges, Roc Patrice, Anselme Maurice, Smith William. 1997. Alauda, 65 (3) : 245-250.


Rapport de mission à Trinidad/Tobago, 8-12 décembre 1997. Martinez Dominique. 1997. Pointe-à-Pitre : CIRAD-EMVT, 34 p.

Résistance des strongles gastro-intestinaux aux anthelminthiques dans les élevages caprins en Guadeloupe (Antilles françaises). Barré Nicolas, Amouroux I., Aprelon Rosalie, Samut T.. 1997. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 50 (2) : 105-110.

A new species of Octomeria from Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Feldmann Philippe, Barré Nicolas. 1997. Lindleyana, 11 (3) : 198-201.


Comparative efficacy of Freund's and Montanide ISA50 adjuvants for the immunisation of goats against heartwater with inactivated Cowdria ruminantium. Martinez Dominique, Perez J.M., Sheikboudou Christian, Debus A., Bensaïd Albert. 1996. Veterinary Parasitology, 67 (3-4) : 175-184.

Development of a computer model of the population dynamics of Amblyomma variegatum and simulations of eradication strategies for use in the caribbean. Popham T.W., Garris G.I., Barré Nicolas. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 452-465. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Factors of variation of Amblyomma variegatum infestation on creole cattle in Guadeloupe. Naves Michel, Barré Nicolas, Fargetton M., Aprelon Rosalie, Sheikboudou Christian. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 445-451. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Genetic resistance of creole goasts to cowdriosis in Guadeloupe. Status in 1995. Camus Emmanuel, Maillard Jean-Charles, Ruff G., Pépin L., Naves Michel, Matheron Gérard. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 46-53. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Heartwater (cowdriosis). A review. Camus Emmanuel, Barré Nicolas, Martinez Dominique, Uilenberg Gerrit. 1996. Paris : OIE, 193 p. ISBN 92-9044-376-6

Herbage density of third-stage larvae of goat strongyles during the dry season in Guadeloupe. Simon Régis, Aumont Gilles, Aprelon Rosalie, Barré Nicolas. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 412-420. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

La lutte contre la tique sénégalaise en Guadeloupe. Cadan J., Bellone R., Molia M., Barré Nicolas, Bique S.. 1996. Guadeloupe Agricole (18) : 24-26.

Potential impact of wildlife on the tropical bont tick eradication program in the Caribbean. Corn J.L., Barré Nicolas, Garris G.I., Nettles F.. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 77-84. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Recombinant bovine interferon gamma inhibits the growth of Cowdria ruminantium but fails to induce major hystocompatibility complex class II following infection of endothelial cells. Totté Philippe, Vachiery Nathalie, Martinez Dominique, Trap Isabelle, Ballingall Keith T., MacHugh Niall D., Bensaïd Albert, Wérenne John. 1996. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 53 (1-2) : 61-71.

Recombinant expression and use in serology of a specific fragment from the Cowdria ruminantium MAP1 protein. Van Vliet A.H.M., Van Der Zeijst B.A.M., Camus Emmanuel, Mahan Suman M., Martinez Dominique, Jongejan Frans. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (1) : 35-45. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Serological survey of leptospirosis in livestock animals in the lesser Antilles. Levett P.N., Whittington C.U., Camus Emmanuel. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 369-377. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Tropical bont tick eradication campain in the French Antilles. Barré Nicolas, Camus Emmanuel, Fifi José, Fourgeaud Philippe, Numa G., Rose Rosette F., Borel H.. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 64-76. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Vector-borne pathogens: international trade and tropical animal diseases. Camus Emmanuel (ed.), House James A. (ed.), Uilenberg Gerrit (ed.). 1996. New York : NYAS, 486 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791) ISBN 0-89766-955-X ; 0-89766-956-8 Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.

Zébus Brahman résistants à la dermatophilose en Martinique. Maillard Jean-Charles, Chardon P., Martinez Dominique, Bensaïd Albert. 1996. In : Utilisation des populations bovines locales pour la production de viande dans la Caraïbe : Rencontres Caraïbes recherche agronomique et développement rural, Gosier, Guadeloupe. Anon. s.l. : INRA, 19 p. Rencontres Caraïbes recherche agronomique et développement rural, Gosier, Guadeloupe, 2 Décembre 1996/6 Décembre 1996.

An amino acid sequence coded by the Exon 2 of the BoLA DRB3 gene associated with a BoLA class I genetic marker of resistance to dermatophilosis in Braham zebu cattle of Martinique (FWI). Maillard Jean-Charles, Martinez Dominique, Bensaïd Albert. 1996. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 791 (791) : 185-197. Symposium on Vector-Borne Pathogens: Challenges for the 21st Century and International Trade and Animal Diseases. 3, San José, Costa Rica, 8 Mai 1995/12 Mai 1995.


La pathologie bovine en Guyane. Camus Emmanuel, Raymond Hugues-Louis. 1995. In : L'élevage bovin en Guyane : une innovation majeure dans le milieu équatorial de plaine 1975-1990. Vivier Michel (ed.), Vissac Bertrand (ed.), Matheron Gérard (ed.). INRA, CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 97-112. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-182-5

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