Learning from the past to build the future governance of groundwater use in agriculture.
Petit Olivier, Dumont Aurélien, Leyronas Stéphanie, Ballin Quentin, Bouarfa Sami, Faysse Nicolas, Kuper Marcel, Molle François, Alcazar Charlotte, Durand Emmanuel, Ghoudi Ridha, Hubert Aline, Le Visage Selin, Messaoudi Imane, Montginoul Marielle, Ndao Seyni, Ferroudji Audrey Richard, Rinaudo Jean-Daniel, Trottier Julie, Aubriot Olivia, Elloumi Mohamed, Boisson Marc, Fofack-Garcia Rhoda, Maurel Frédéric, Rojat Dominique, Romagny Bruno, Salgues Emmanuelle.
Water International,
46 (7-8) : 1037-1059.