Effect of inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense NO40 isolated from Egyptian soils on rice growth in China.
Fang Ping, Jia Xiaoming, Omar M.N.A..
In : Rice genetic resources and breeding for Europe and other temperate areas : proceedings of Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Cirad, Ird, Ksau, Krasnodar Territory, Vniirisa, September, 3-8, 2001, Krasnodar, Russia. CIRAD, IRD, KSAU, Krasnodar
. Montpellier : CIRAD
ISBN 2-87614-504-9 Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Krasnodar, Russie, 3 Septembre 2001/8 Septembre 2001.