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Nombre de documents : 4.
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Refining the summer school concept for education in sustainable agriculture and the environment.
Rival Alain, Lesueur Christophe, Thammachote Pasakorn, Saeyang Rungrat, Sukkum Rosawadee, Chalil Diana, Setyarso Agus, Dufour Magali, Pillot Didier.
Education, Sustainability and Society,
7 (2) : 38-43.
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Incentives are not enough! The intricacies of an agroecological transition in upland Cambodia.
Dayet Alexia, Diepart Jean-Christophe, Sieng Sreymom, Tivet Florent, Demenois Julien.
. Clermont-Ferrand : SFER, 2 p.
Journées de recherches en sciences sociales (JRSS 2022). 16, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 15 Décembre 2022/16 Décembre 2022.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 3 16:53:57 2025 CET.