Nombre de documents : 10.
What kind of cotton ideotype is adapted to agroecological cropping systems and climate change in Benin.
Aboua Degbedji, Gérardeaux Edward, Debaeke Philippe, Boulakia Stéphane, Sêkloka Emmanuel.
In : World Cotton Research Conference-8, Book of Abstracts. Abdurakhmonov Ibrokhim (ed.), Yu John (ed.), Kranthi Keshav (ed.). ICAC, ICRA
. Washington : ICAC, Résumé, p. 18.
ISBN 979-8-218-56133-8 World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-8). 8, Tashkent, Ouzbékistan, 3 Octobre 2024/6 Octobre 2024.
Intercropping millet with low-density cowpea improves millet productivity for low and medium N input in semi-arid central Senegal.
Senghor Yolande, Balde Alpha Bocar, Manga Anicet G.B., Affholder François, Letourmy Philippe, Bassene César, Kanfany Ghislain, Ndiaye Malick, Couedel Antoine, Leroux Louise, Falconnier Gatien.
9 (7):e17680, 13 p.
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Scenarios for an agroecological transition of smallholder family farmers: A case study in Guadeloupe.
Andrieu Nadine, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Chia Eduardo, Diman Jean-Louis, Dugue Patrick, Fanchone Audrey, Howland Fanny, Ott Salomé, Poulayer Célia.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development,
42:95, 17 p.
Sustainability of agroecological tea management and land conversion practices for restoring soil health: A case study of Thai Nguyen province in Northern Vietnam.
Le Viet San, Herrmann Laetitia, Hudek Lee, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier.
In : 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate. Book of abstracts. Zdunek Artur (ed.), Pacek-Bieniek Agata (ed.)
. Lublin : Institut of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Science, Résumé, p. 36.
International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2021). 13, Lublin, Pologne, 15 Novembre 2021/16 Novembre 2021.
Assessment of biofertilizer use for sustainable agriculture in the Great Mekong Region.
Atieno Mary, Hermann Laetitia, Nguyen Huong Thu, Thi Phan Hoan, Nguyen Nghia Khoi, Srean Pao, Than Maw Maw, Zhiyong Ruan, Tittabutr Panlada, Shutsrirung Arawan, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier.
Journal of Environmental Management,
275:111300, 9 p.
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