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Nombre de documents : 4.

Integration of very high-resolution stereo satellite images and airborne or satellite Lidar for Eucalyptus canopy height estimation. Manizheh Rajab Pourrahmati, Baghdadi Nicolas, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Fayad Ibrahim, Le Maire Guerric. 2024. Science of Remote Sensing, 10:100170, 12 p.

A simulation method to infer tree allometry and forest structure from airborne laser scanning and forest inventories. Fischer Fabian Jörg, Labriere Nicolas, Vincent Grégoire, Herault Bruno, Alonso Alfonso, Memiaghe Herve R., Bissiengou Pulcherie, Kenfack David, Saatchi Sassan, Chave Jérôme. 2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251:112056, 16 p.

Carbon storage potential in degraded forests of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ferraz Antonio, Saatchi Sassan, Xu Liang, Hagen Stephen, Chave Jérôme, Yu Yifan, Meyer Victoria, Garcia Mariano, Silva Carlos, Roswintiart Orbita, Samboko Ari, Sist Plinio, Walker Sarah, Pearson Timothy R.H., Wijaya Arief, Sullivan Franklin B., Rutishauser Ervan, Hoekman Dirk, Ganguly Sangram. 2018. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (9):095001, 12 p.

Weak environmental controls of tropical forest canopy height in the Guiana shield. Goulamoussene Youven, Bedeau Caroline, Descroix Laurent, Deblauwe Vincent, Linguet Laurent, Hérault Bruno. 2016. Remote Sensing, 8 (9):747, 16 p.

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