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Nombre de documents : 5.

Article de revue

Experimental study of vegetable oil droplets vaporization under low temperature conditions such as those found in diesel engine cold parts. Zongo Sampawinde Augustin, Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Caillol Christian, Segda Bila Gérard, Higelin Pascal. 2024. International Journal of Engine Research, 12 p.

Evaluation of weight loss and high heating value from biomasses during fungal degradation by NIR spectroscopy. De Freitas Homen De Faria Bruno, Santana Barbosa Paula, Valente Roque Jussara, De Cassia Oliveira Carneiro Angelica, Rousset Patrick, Candelier Kévin, Teófilo Reinaldo Francisco. 2022. Fuel, 320:123841, 11 p.

A comparative study of maize and miscanthus regarding cell-wall composition and stem anatomy for conversion into bioethanol and polymer composites. Brancourt-Hulmel Maryse, Arnoult Stéphanie, Cezard L., El Hage F., Gineau Emilie, Girones Jordi, Griveau Yves, Jacquemont M.P., Jaffuel Sylvie, Mignot E., Mouille Gregory, Lapierre Catherine, Legée F., Méchin Valérie, Navard Patrick, Vo Loan T.T., Reymond Matthieu. 2022. BioEnergy Research, 15 (2) : 777-791.

Phytoremediation of bark-hydrolysate fermentation effluents and bioaccumulation of added-value molecules by designed microalgal consortia. Beigbeder Jean-Baptiste, Boboescu Iulian-Zoltan, Damay Jérémie, Duret Xavier, Bhatti Shabana, Lavoie Jean-Michel. 2019. Algal Research, 42:101585, 11 p.

Communication sans actes

From the fuel versus food controversy to the institutional vacuum in biofuels West African policies. Gatete Djerma Charly, Dabat Marie-Hélène. 2015. . Eindhoven University of Technology. s.l. : s.n., 13 p. Biofuels and (ir)responsible innovation: Tensions between policy, practice and sustainable development, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas, 13 Avril 2015/14 Avril 2015.

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