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Nombre de documents : 6.

A comprehensive framework for assessing the accuracy and uncertainty of global above-ground biomass maps. Araza Arnan, de Bruin Sytze, Herold Martin, Quegan Shaun, Labriere Nicolas, Rodriguez-Veiga Pedro, Avitabile Valerio, Santoro Maurizio, Mitchard Edward T.A., Ryan Casey M., Phillips Oliver L., Willcock Simon, Verbeeck Hans, Carreiras João M.B., Hein Lars, Schelhaas Mart-Jan, Pacheco-Pascagaza Ana Maria, da Conceição Bispo Polyanna, Laurin Gaia Vaglio, Vieilledent Ghislain, Slik J.W. Ferry, Wijaya Arief, Lewis Simon L., Morel Alexandra, Liang Jingjing, Sukhdeo Hansrajie, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Cavlovic Jura, Gilani Hammad, Lucas Richard. 2022. Remote Sensing of Environment, 272:112917, 16 p.

Modelling the organic evolution of a mediterranean limestone soil under usual cropping of durum wheat and faba bean. Ibrahim Hatem, Gaieb Sinda, Brahim Nadhem, Blavet Didier, Van Den Meersche Karel, Pansu Marc. 2021. Agronomy (Basel), 11 (9), n.spéc. Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling in Agroecosystems:1688, 10 p.

Soil properties explain tree growth and mortality, but not biomass, across phosphorus-depleted tropical forests. Soong Jennifer L., Janssens Ivan A., Grau Oriol, Margalef Olga, Stahl Clément, Van Langenhove Leandro, Urbina Ifigenia, Chave Jérôme, Dourdain Aurélie, Ferry Bruno, Freycon Vincent, Herault Bruno, Sardans Jordi, Peñuelas Josep, Verbruggen Erik. 2020. Scientific Reports, 10:2302, 13 p.

Quantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance. Besnard Simon, Carvalhais Nuno, Arain M. Altaf, Black Andrew, de Bruin Sytze, Buchmann Nina, Cescatti Alessandro, Chen Jiquan, Clevers Jan G.P.W., Desai Ankur R., Gough Christopher M., Havrankova Katerina, Herold Martin, Hörtnagl Lukas, Jung Martin, Knohl Alexander, Kruijt Bart, Krupkova Lenka, Law Beverly, Lindroth Anders, Noormets Asko, Roupsard Olivier, Steinbrecher Rainer, Varlagin Andrej, Vincke Caroline, Reichstein Markus. 2018. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12):124018, 10 p.

Ex-ante farm-scale analysis of the impacts of livestock intensification on greenhouse gas emissions of mixed crop-livestock systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vayssières Jonathan, Birnholz Celine, Hutchings N.J.. 2016. . Melbourne : s.n., 2 p. International Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture (GGAA 2016). 6, Melbourne, Australie, 14 Février 2016/18 Février 2016.

Effets des changements climatiques sur l'activité des organismes du sol et la décomposition des litières en milieu méditerranéen. Coulis Mathieu. 2013. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 199 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des populations et écologie : Université Montpellier 2

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