The evolutionary process of invasion in the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).
Yainna Kumarihami Sudeeptha, Tay Wee Tek, Durand Karine, Fiteni Estelle, Hilliou Frédérique, Legeai Fabrice, Clamens Anne-Laure, Gimenez Sylvie, Asokan R., Kalleshwaraswamy C.M., Deshmukh Sharanabasappa S., Meagher Jr. Robert L., Blanco Carlos A., Silvie Pierre, Brévault Thierry, Dassou Gbèblonoudo Anicet, Kergoat Gael J., Walsh Thomas, Gordon Karl H.J., Nègre Nicolas, D'Alençon Emmanuelle, Nam Kiwoong.
Scientific Reports,
12:21063, 11 p.