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Nombre de documents : 7.

Article de revue

A collaborative approach to bring insights from local observations of climate change impacts into global climate change research. Reyes-Garcia Victoria, García-del-Amo David, Benyei Petra, Fernández-Llamazares Alvaro, Gravani Konstantina, Junqueira André B., Labeyrie Vanesse, Li Xiaoyue, Matias Denise M.S., McAlvay Alex, Mortyn Peter Graham, Porcuna-Ferrer Anna, Schlingmann Anna, Soleymani-Fard Ramin. 2019. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39 : 1-8.

Communication avec actes

ITandC and citizen science for a better management of weeds in the western Indian Ocean region. Le Bourgeois Thomas, Grard Pierre, Balasubramanian Dhandapani, Ramesh B.R., Gaungoo Azaad, Andrianaivo Alain-Paul, Randriamampianina Jean Augustin, Yahaya Ibrahim, Marnotte Pascal. 2014. In : Environmental weeds and invasive plants. Fried Guillaume (ed.), Bon M.-C. (ed.), Brundu G. (ed.), Chauvel B. (ed.), Cheptou P.-O. (ed.), Hatcher P.E. (ed.), Haury J. (ed.), Jourdan M. (ed.), Kazakou E. (ed.), Le Bourgeois Thomas (ed.), Mandon-Dalger I. (ed.), Marchante H. (ed.), et al.. EWRS, Anses, Montpellier SupAgro, MAAF-DGAI, USDA ARS-EBCL, CSIRO, CIRAD, FCBN. Montpellier : EWRS, 198. International Symposium on Weeds and Invasive Plants. 4, Montpellier, France, 18 Mai 2014/23 Mai 2014.

Communication par affiche

The WIKTROP collaborative portal : sharing and disseminating knowledge on weeds of tropical pastures for better management of grazing land degradation. Le Bourgeois Thomas, Blanfort Vincent, Péret Cédric, Petiot Vincent, Capron Jean-Marie. 2019. In : "Innovation for Sustainable Livestock Systems". Kansas City : s.n., 1 poster Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Meeting of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL): "Innovation for Sustainable Livestock Systems". 9, Kansas City, États-Unis, 2 Septembre 2019/12 Septembre 2019.

“Faidherbia-Flux”, a new highly instrumented collaborative Observatory in a semi-arid agro-silvo-pastoral system of Western Africa (Niakhar-Senegal). Roupsard Olivier, Jourdan Christophe, Cournac Laurent, Ndour Yacine B., Tall Laure, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Clermont-Dauphin Cathy, Orange Didier, Do Frédéric C., Kergoat Laurent, Le Maire Guerric, Van Den Meersche Karel, Timouk F., Grippa Manuela, Rocheteau Alain, Duthoit Maxime, Chotte Jean-Luc, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2018. . Nancy : INRA, 1 poster Functional Ecology Conference 2018, Nancy, France, 10 Décembre 2018/13 Décembre 2018.

South Green bioinformatics platform : Plateforme collaborative de bioinformatique verte héraultaise. Bocs Stéphanie, Couvin David, De Lamotte Frédéric, Dereeper Alexis, Droc Gaëtan, Dufayard Jean François, El Hassouni Nordine, Farcy Cédric, Gkanogiannis Anestis, Guignon Valentin, Hamelin Chantal, Hueber Yann, Larivière Delphine, Larmande Pierre, Martin Guillaume, Monat Cécile, Ortega Abboud Enrique, Pitollat Bertrand, Pointet Stéphanie, Ravel Sébastien, Rouard Mathieu, This Patrice, Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine. 2017. . Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 poster Amphithéâtre "Patrimoine Numérique Scientifique", Montpellier, France, 20 Février 2017/20 Février 2017.

Document technique et de recherche


La culture du bananier plantain : fiches de formation. Depigny Sylvain, Bonneviot Pauline, Duportal Martine. 2017. Montpellier : CIRAD, 13 p.

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