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Nombre de documents : 9.

Article de revue

Within-field crop diversity and landscape complexity decrease the abundance of fall armyworm larvae in maize cropping systems. Dassou Gbèblonoudo Anicet, Loko Yeyinou Laura Estelle, Toffa Joelle, Gbèmavo Charlemagne, Adjahossou Naéssé, Tchakpa Cyrille, Agboyi Lakpo Koku, Sanon Antoine, Dansi Alexandre, Brevault Thierry. 2023. Biological Control, 184:105260, 8 p.

Non-crop habitats concurrently drive crop colonization by the millet head miner and regulation by natural enemies. Sow Ahmadou, Soti Valérie, Thiaw Ibrahima, Brévault Thierry. 2022. Basic and Applied Ecology, 64 : 45-56.

The challenge of biological control of Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Col. Curculionidae): A review. Tresson Paul, Tixier Philippe, Puech William, Carval Dominique. 2021. Journal of Applied Entomology, 145 (3) : 171-181.
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Birds and bats contribute to natural regulation of the millet head miner in tree-crop agroforestry systems. Sow Ahmadou, Seye Djiby, Faye Emile, Benoit Laure, Galan Maxime, Haran Julien, Brévault Thierry. 2020. Crop Protection, 132:105127, 8 p.

DNA metabarcoding as a tool for disentangling food webs in agroecosystems. Sow Ahmadou, Haran Julien, Benoit Laure, Galan Maxime, Brévault Thierry. 2020. Insects, 11 (5):294, 19 p.

Identifying ant-mirid spatial interactions to improve biological control in cacao-based agroforestry system. Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Piou Cyril, Tadu Zéphirin, Babin Régis. 2018. Environmental Entomology, 47 (3) : 551-558.
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Communication avec actes

Non-crop habitats concurrently drive crop colonization by the millet head miner and regulation by natural enemies. Sow Ahmadou, Soti Valérie, Thiaw Ibrahima, Brévault Thierry. 2021. In : Adaptation et résilience des agricultures en Afrique de l’Ouest : innovations agroécologiques et intégration des territoires. Résumés = Adaptation and resilience of agriculture in West Africa: agroecological innovations and integration of territories. Abstracts. Kane Ndjido (ed.), Orange Didier (ed.), Brun-Diallo Lauren (ed.). ISRA, IRD, CIRAD. Dakar : ISRA, Résumé, p. 47. Conférence intensification durable (CID 2021). 3, Dakar, Sénégal, 23 Novembre 2021/26 Novembre 2021.

Communication sans actes

Biological control for alleviation of viral zoonotic risks in a one health perspective. Ratnadass Alain, Deguine Jean-Philippe. 2021. . CABI, IOBC. Davos : CABI, Résumé, 2 p. International Congress of Biological Control. 2, Davos, Suisse, 26 Avril 2021/30 Avril 2021.
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