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Nombre de documents : 5.

Article de revue

Persistence and success of the Sahel desertification narrative. Gangneron Fabrice, Pierre Caroline, Robert Elodie, Kergoat Laurent, Grippa Manuela, Guichard Françoise, Hiernaux Pierre, Leauthaud Crystèle. 2022. Regional Environmental Change, 22, 118, 11 p.

Trend-cycles of vegetation dynamics as a tool for land degradation assessment and monitoring. Easdale Marcos Horacio, Fariña C., Hara Sofía María, Pérez León N., Umaña F., Tittonell Pablo, Bruzzone Octavio A.. 2019. Ecological Indicators, 107:105545, 10 p.

The camel, new challenges for a sustainable development. Faye Bernard. 2016. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 48 (4) : 689-692.

Communication invitée

Improved land governance and halting land degradation: the central role of property rights and social processes. Lavigne-Delville Philippe, Léonard Eric, Colin Jean-Philippe, Requier-Desjardins Mélanie, Burnod Perrine, Couture Jean-Louis. 2022. . Montpellier : Pôle Foncier Montpellier-IRD, 4 p. Conférence des Parties (COP15) de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification (CNULCD). 15, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 9 Mai 2022/20 Mai 2022.

Rapport de mission


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