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Nombre de documents : 12.

Proximal microclimate: Moving beyond spatiotemporal resolution improves ecological predictions. Klinges David H., Baecher J. Alex, Lembrechts Jonas J., Maclean Ilya M. D., Lenoir Jonathan, Greiser Caroline, Ashcroft Michael B., Evans Luke J., Kearney Michael R., Aalto Juha, Barrio Isabel C., De Frenne Pieter, Guillemot Joannès, Hylander Kristoffer, Jucker Tommaso, Kopecký Martin, Luoto Miska, Macek Martin, Nijs Ivan, Urban Josef, van den Brink Liesbeth, Vangansbeke Pieter, Von Oppen Jonathan, Wild Jan, Boike Julia, Canessa Rafaella, Nosetto Marcelo, Rubtsov Alexey, Sallo-Bravo Jhonatan, Scheffers Brett R.. 2024. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 (9):e13884, 16 p.
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AraDiv: A dataset of functional traits and leaf hyperspectral reflectance of Arabidopsis thaliana. Przybylska Stefania, Violle Cyrille, Vile Denis, Scheepens J.F., Lacombe Benoit, Le Roux Xavier, Perrier Lisa, Sales-Mabily Lou, Laumond Mariette, Vinyeta Mariona, Moulin Pierre, Beurier Grégory, Rouan Lauriane, Cornet Denis, Vasseur François. 2023. Scientific Data, 10:314, 8 p.

Screening and QTLs detection for drought factor index trait in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.). Nur Cahyo Andi, Murti Rudi Hari, Putra Eka Tarwaca Susila, Oktavia Fetrina, Ismawanto Sigit, Mournet Pierre, Fabre Denis, Montoro Pascal. 2022. Industrial Crops and Products, 190:115894, 11 p.

Wood nutrient-water-density linkages are influenced by both species and environment. Lira-Martins Demetrius, Quesada Carlos Alberto, Strekopytov Stanislav, Humphreys-Williams Emma, Herault Bruno, Lloyd Jon. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:778403, 15 p.

Fostering a climate-smart intensification for oil palm. Monzon Juan P., Slingerland Maja, Rahutomo Suroso, Agus Fahmuddin, Oberthür Thomas, Andrade José Luis, Couedel Antoine, Rattalino Edreira Juan Ignacio, Hekman Willem, van den Beuken Rob, Hidayat Fandi, Pradiko Iput, Purwantomo Dwi K. G., Donough Christopher, Sugianto Hendra, Lim Ya Li, Farrell Thomas, Grassini Patricio. 2021. Nature Sustainability, 4 : 595-601.

Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs. Laughlin Daniel C., Mommer Liesje, Sabatini Francesco Maria, Bruelheide Helge, Kuyper Thom W., McCormack M. Luke, Bergmann Joana, Freschet Grégoire T., Guerrero-Ramírez Nathaly R., Iversen Colleen M., Kattge Jens, Meier Ina C., Poorter Hendrik, Roumet Catherine, Semchenko Marina, Sweeney Christopher J., Valverde-Barrantes Oscar J., van der Plas Fons, van Ruijven Jasper, York Larry M., Aubin Isabelle, Burge Olivia R., Byun Chaeho, Ćušterevska Renata, Dengler Jürgen, Forey Estelle, Guerin Gregory Richard, Herault Bruno, Jackson Robert B., Karger Dirk Nikolaus, Lenoir Jonathan, Lysenko Tatiana, Meir Patrick, Niinemets Ulo, Ozinga Wim A., Peñuelas Josep, Reich Peter B., Schmidt Marco, Schrodt Franziska, Velázquez Eduardo, Weigelt Alexandra. 2021. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5 (8) : 1123-1134.

In search of the processes that In search of the processes that drive to smaller rice plants in aerobic soil conditions. Clerget Benoît, Pablo J., Egle Rohilyn B., Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Domingo Abigail J., Layaoen Heathel Loren, Dionora J., Sta Cruz Pompe C.. 2018. . Singapour : IRRI, Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Congress 2018 (IRC 2018). 5, Singapour, Singapour, 15 Octobre 2018/17 Octobre 2018.
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Integrated mango production: objectives and challenges. Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2018. In : Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems. Corelli Grappadelli L. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 377-383. (Acta Horticulturae, 1228) ISBN 978-94-6261-225-9 International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems. 11, Bologne, Italie, 28 Août 2016/2 Septembre 2016.

Mango canopy management: new approaches to old issues. Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2017. In : Proceedings of the XI International Mango Symposium. Bally Ian (ed.), Tran-Nguyen L. (ed.), Hall D. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 145-152. (Acta Horticulturae, 1183) ISBN 978-94-62611-79-5 International Mango Symposium. 11, Darwin, Australie, 28 Septembre 2015/2 Octobre 2015.

Integrated mango production: objectives and challenges. Normand Frédéric. 2016. In : XI Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems: Book of abstracts. Corelli Grappadelli Luca (ed.). ISHS, Bologna University. Bologne : ISHS, Résumé, p. 79. International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems. 11, Bologne, Italie, 28 Août 2016/2 Septembre 2016.
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Mango canopy management: new approaches to old issues. Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2015. In : Handbook of the XI International Mango Symposium. 'Science Supporting the Mango Industry'. ISHS. Darwin : ISHS, Résumé, 1. International Mango Symposium. 11, Darwin, Australie, 28 Septembre 2015/2 Octobre 2015.

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