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Nombre de documents : 10.

Article de revue

Assessing the roles of crops and livestock in nutrient circularity and use efficiency in the agri-food-waste system: A set of indicators applied to an isolated tropical island. Kleinpeter Vivien, Alvanitakis Manon, Vigne Mathieu, Wassenaar Tom, Lo Seen Danny, Vayssières Jonathan. 2023. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 188:106663, 13 p.

Diversity of pesticide use trajectories during agroecological transitions in vineyards: The case of the French DEPHY network. Fouillet Esther, Delière Laurent, Flori Albert, Rapidel Bruno, Mérot Anne. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 210:103725, 14 p.

Contrat de travail et performance des exploitations cacaoyères dans le Mbam et Kim au Cameroun. Nso Ngang André, Bergaly Kamdem Cyrille, Kaldjob Mbeh Christian Bernard, Pédelahore Philippe, Onana Dieudonné, Akoa Etoa Joséphine Mireille. 2020. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 15 (2) : 111-126.

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Crop-livestock integration determines the agroecological performance of mixed farming systems in Latino-Caribbean farms. Stark Fabien Shandor, Gonzalez-Garcia Eliel, Navegantes-Alves Livia de Freitas, Miranda Taymer, Poccard-Chapuis René, Archimede Harry, Moulin Charles-Henri. 2018. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38 (1):4, 11 p.

Application of loop analysis for the qualitative assessment of surveillance and control in veterinary epidemiology. Collineau Lucie, Duboz Raphaël, Paul Mathilde, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Goutard Flavie, Holl S., Roger François. 2013. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology, 10 (7), 11 p.


Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). 2017. Abingdon : Routledge, 358 p. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) ISBN 978-1-13-868707-3
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Chapitre d'ouvrage

Panda or Hydra? The untold stories of drip irrigation. Kuper Marcel, Venot Jean-Philippe, Zwarteveen Margreet. 2017. In : Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 1-15. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) ISBN 978-1-13-868707-3
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Communication avec actes

Contribution of crop-livestock integration practices to farm and territorial performances: an example from north-west Vietnam. Blanchard Melanie, Le Trouher Alice, Tos Pavel, Lurette Amandine, Moulin Charles-Henri, Le Thi Thanh Huyen. 2023. . Champasack University, Souphanouvong University, National University of Laos, Savannakhet University, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Vientiane : Champasack University, 1 p. International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2023), Vientiane, Laos, 21 Novembre 2023/24 Novembre 2023.
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Rapport d'expertise

The future of Mediterranean Livestock Farming Systems: Opportunity and efficiency of Crops – Livestock Integration. Final report CLIMED. Alary Véronique, Moulin Charles-Henri, Lasseur Jacques, Aboulnaga Adel M., Sraïri Mohamed Taher. 2017. s.l. : Projet Arimnet-Union Européenne, 60 p.

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