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Nombre de documents : 5.

Musa species in mainland Southeast Asia: From wild to domesticate. Jenny Christophe, Sachter-Smith Gabriel, Breton Catherine, Rivallan Ronan, Jacquemoud-Collet Jean-Pierre, Dubois Cécile, Chabannes Matthieu, Ly Ngoc-Sam, Haevermans Thomas, Trieu Tien Dung, Insisiengmay Oudomphone, Zhang Ting, Caruana Marie-Line, Sardos Julie, Perrier Xavier. 2024. PloS One, 19 (10):e0307592, 34 p.

Euclasta condylotricha flowers essential oils: A new source of juvenile hormones and its larvicidal activity against Anopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae). Bohounton Roméo Barnabé, Yédjinnavênan Djihinto Oswald, Sedjro-Ludolphe Dedome Oronce, Mahudro Yovo Réné, Djossou Laurette, Koba Koffi, Adomou Aristide, Villeneuve Pierre, Salako Djogbénou Luc, Tchobo Paul Fidèle. 2023. PloS One, 18 (1):e0278834, 12 p.

Unique features of the grapevine VvK5.1 channel support novel functions for outward K+ channels in plants. Villette Jérémy, Cuellar Térésa, Zimmermann Sabine, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Gaillard Isabelle. 2019. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70 (1) : 6181-6193.

Annual cycles are the most common reproductive strategy in African tropical tree communities. Adamescu Gabriela S., Plumptre Andrew J., Abernethy Katharine A., Polansky Leo, Bush Emma R., Chapman Colin A., Shoo Luke P., Fayolle Adeline, Janmaat Karline R.L., Robbins Marha M., Ndangalasi Henry J., Cordeiro Norbert J., Gilby Ian C., Wittig Roman M., Breuer Thomas, Breuer-Ndoundou Hockemba Mireille, Sanz Crickette, Morgan David B., Pusey Anne E., Mugerwa Badru, Gilagiza Baraka, Tutin Caroline E.G., Ewango Corneille, Sheil Douglas, Dimoto Edmond, Baya Fidèle, Bujo Flort, Ssali Frederik, Dikangadissi Jean-Thoussaint, Jeffery Kathryn J., Valenta Kim, White Lee, Masozera Michel, Wilson Michael L., Bitariho Robert, Ndolo Ebika Sydney T., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Mulindahabi Felix, Beale Colin M.. 2018. Biotropica, 50 (3) : 418-430.

Genomic approach to study floral development genes in Rosa sp. Dubois Annick, Remay Arnaud, Raymond Olivier, Balzergue Sandrine, Chauvet Aurélie, Maene Marion, Pecrix Yann, Yang Shu-Hua, Jeauffre julien, Thouroude Tatiana, Boltz Véronique, Martin-Magniette Marie-Laure, Janczarski Stéphane, Legeai Fabrice, Renou Jean-Pierre, Vergne Philippe, Le Bris Manuel, Foucher Fabrice, Bendahmane Mohammed. 2011. PloS One, 6 (12):e28455, 14 p.

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