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Nombre de documents : 2.
Can DSSAT CSM-CROPGRO-Cotton support cotton breeding under low input rainfed conditions? A case study in Senegal.
Traore Abdou, Loison Romain, Gérardeaux Edward, Diouf Fatimata B Hassedine, Saliou Ndiaye.
. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 poster
International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM 2020). 2, Montpellier, France, 3 Février 2020/5 Février 2020.
GECKO is a genetic algorithm to classify and explore high throughput sequencing data.
Thomas Aubin, Barriere sylvain, Broseus Lucile, Brooke Julie, Lorenzi Claudio, Villemin Jean-Philippe, Beurier Grégory, Sabatier Robert, Reynes Christelle, Mancheron Alban, Ritchie William.
Communications Biology,
2:222, 8 p.
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