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Nombre de documents : 12.

Article de revue

Shedding light on the existence of furan fatty acids in latex lipids across a wide diversity of Hevea brasiliensis genotypes. Kitpaosong Chaisiri, Liengprayoon Siriluck, Durand Erwann, Lerksamran Tucksin, Daval Aurélie, Gohet Eric, Tiva Lim Khan, Chetha Phean, Mengchheang Kong, Phearun Phen, Rattana Ung, Chandy Kim, Sokea Pol, Eng Un Kim, Rattanaporn Kittipong, Baréa Bruno, Vaysse Laurent. 2025. Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 10 (1) : 111-122.

Discriminating three lab scale dark chocolate bars from fine Cameroon cocoa hybrids using sensorial evaluation and organic acid content. Akoa Simon Perrez, Boulanger Renaud, Manga Ndjaga Jude, Effa Onomo Pierre, Lebrun Marc, Eyenga Eliane Flore, Morel Gilles, Nkongho Raymond N., Djocgoue Pierre-François. 2024. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 61 (12) : 2318-2331.
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Cadmium accumulation in cacao plants (Theobroma cacao L.) under drought stress. Ortiz-Álvarez Antonio, Magnitskiy Stanislav, Silva-Arero Elías Alexander, Rodriguez-Medina Caren, Argout Xavier, Castaño-Marín Ángela María. 2023. Agronomy (Basel), 13 (10):2490, 18 p.

Sugar profile and volatile aroma composition in fermented dried beans and roasted nibs from six controlled pollinated Cameroonian fine-flavor cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) hybrids. Perrez Akoa Simon, Boulanger Renaud, Effa Onomo Pierre, Lebrun Marc, Ondobo Martine Louise, Lahon Marie-Christine, Ntyam Mendo Samuel Arsene, Niemenak Nicolas, Djocgoue Pierre-François. 2023. Food Bioscience, 53:102603, 15 p.

Evaluating process-based sugarcane models for simulating genotypic and environmental effects observed in an international dataset. Jones M.R., Singels A., Chinorumba S., Poser Christophe, Christina Mathias, Shine J., Annandale J., Hammer Graeme. 2021. Field Crops Research, 260:107983, 17 p.

Exploring process-level genotypic and environmental effects on sugarcane yield using an international experimental dataset. Jones M.R., Singels A., Chinorumba S., Patton A., Poser Christophe, Singh M., Martiné Jean-François, Christina Mathias, Shine J., Annandale J., Hammer Graeme. 2019. Field Crops Research, 244:107622, 12 p.

Sorghum biomethane potential varies with the Genotype and the cultivation site. Thomas Hélène Laurence, Pot David, Latrille Eric, Trouche Gilles, Bonnal Laurent, Bastianelli Denis, Carrere Hélène. 2019. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10 (4) : 783-788.

Updated unified phylogenetic classification system and revised nomenclature for Newcastle disease virus. Dimitrov Kiril M., Abolnik Célia, Afonso Claudio L., Albina Emmanuel, Bahl Justin, Berg Mikael, Briand François-Xavier, Brown Ian H., Choi Kang-Seuk, Chvala Ilya, Diel Diego G., Durr Peter A., Ferreira Helena Lage, Fusaro Alice, Gil Patricia, Goujgoulova Gabriela V., Grund Christian, Hicks Joseph T., Joannis Tony M., Torchetti Mia Kim, Kolosov Sergey, Lambrecht Bénédicte, Lewis Nicola S., Liu Haijin, Liu Hualei, McCullough Sam, Miller Patti J., Monne Isabella, Muller Claude P., Munir Muhammad, Reischak Dilmara, Sabra Mahmoud, Samal Siba K., Servan de Almeida Renata. 2019. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 74:103917, 15 p.


Communication invitée

Mango canopy management: new approaches to old issues. Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2015. In : Handbook of the XI International Mango Symposium. 'Science Supporting the Mango Industry'. ISHS. Darwin : ISHS, Résumé, 1. International Mango Symposium. 11, Darwin, Australie, 28 Septembre 2015/2 Octobre 2015.

Communication avec actes

Mango canopy management: new approaches to old issues. Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2017. In : Proceedings of the XI International Mango Symposium. Bally Ian (ed.), Tran-Nguyen L. (ed.), Hall D. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 145-152. (Acta Horticulturae, 1183) ISBN 978-94-62611-79-5 International Mango Symposium. 11, Darwin, Australie, 28 Septembre 2015/2 Octobre 2015.


État des lieux et caractérisation de l'antibiorésistance des enterobacteriaceae des carnivores domestiques errants, divagants et confinés sur l'Île de La Réunion. Rabaly Clément. 2023. Toulouse : ENVT, 55 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Gestion intégrée des zoonoses et maladies animales tropicales : Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse

Liste générée le Wed Mar 5 01:23:21 2025 CET.